FYI: wholesale gas cost went up .47 cents a gallon today

I better hurry… 2 cars both close to E :ohnoes:

Adults punched today: 8
Babies punched today: 0

I guess that I am either slacking or not as much as a man as evolve. It takes more cahonies to puch a baby, I mean Moms are vicious.

i punch them too.

put 24 gallons in the tahoe and 5 gallons in the gas can last night at 2.79($1.10 off w/ tops bonus card)

i just bought 10 gallons at $3.79 at Delta Sonic.

Says your moms friends brothers cousin who knows somebody at citgo who said it was going to happen???


You save THAT much using your bonus card? Is that a cumulative savings that you have earned from fueling up with them? Or a baseline rate for Bonus card members?

I remember reading something like WNY gets very little oil/gasoline from the Gulf area, so our prices should stay somewhat stable. When Hurricane Gustav went through there a little bit ago our prices only went up a couple cents.

:shrug: 3.57 for 93 today


Shhhhhhh. They don’t want the consumers to know that.
Record profits, remember.


oh… i thought you said it went up .43 cents? not 43 cents. every gas station i have passed today have still been at/around 3.85 for 87

Just an FYI, I punched another 6.5 babies on lunch.

And I violated the moms.

good job

sorry. if it makes you feel any better i stopped at a sunoco today and put some gas in and it was 3.70 for 93… lol probably the highest i’ve seen in a week.

I’ll go three weeks on a tank of gas, so I don’t even notice these rapid price changes until I read it on here, by the time I need gas again, it’s gone back down.

do you drive one of those motorized bikes getting 200mpg?

:rolljerk: gasprices

It was actually from 2 prescriptions from the pharmacy.They had a coupon for 500 points and they screwed up so they doubled it.That was a $1 off right there.the scripts where only $5 with co-pay so it was well worth it and had to get them anyways