g lisence

does anyone know if it is possible for me to get a G lisence under the table.I failed my G road test.Also can i do the test twice or do i have to start over?thank you guys

you must be kiding me. G license under the table??
Learn how to drive if you can’t pass the test…


please leave the country.

:werd: I passed the test by going 60 over the limit at one point and nearly being rear ended. I do not wanna know what you did to fail twice…

i did not fail twice . I can drive it’s just that when the examiner comes in it’s so different.And like what the fuck 2 hands on the steering wheel. :x

If you cannot pass the G test you should not be driving.
It isn’t all that hard to drive proper for examiners.

And yes, properlly you need 2 hands. You think you drive with one on the track?? Try that one and tell me how you fair. Always 2 hands on the wheel unless you need to shift.

haha, try toronto, no offence but I hear that some of my fathers business partners pay good money to get their wives licenses. hong kong style.


you know what i think i needed more practice since i haven’t been driving since october 2004 . my lisence was suspended for having to many tickets and shit. I sure hope i do better next time with more practice.

alright this post must be a joke
:lol: you got me good man


FUCK this post. i am such a loser lol

Id pay good money to get their wives ‘hong kong style’

Thank you! Thank you! ill be here all week!

good god

first off i should report you for trying to solicite fake driving permits.

second, learn to drive. i store my car 6 months out of every year and dont seem to have issues when i get it back.

this is locked.

i better not see another post about this