G8 motherload

I know I was being drastic with my comparison to prove a point.

You’re not touching an STS-V for the same price as a G8.

Maybe a CTS-V… and thats a big maybe, you’re still gonna be a few thousand above. And thats only if there is going to be a GXP G8.

I got off topic like you & I said USED!!! not new…cause that what you were saying about a Z06… you can get used CTSV for 40something… used STSV’s for high 40’s.

but back to NEW i like i said…its not apples to oranges

try again bud, cheapest STS-V in a 500 mile radius is $56k not even close

Car looks really cool, im guessing the real car will be alittle less flashy. BTW, whats the L76, is that a new engine, or has that been around for awhile and if so, what was it in previously.

The G6 does not have a supercharged option. They just have the N/A 3900 thats around 240-260 hp and then the lesser engines like the 3500 and the 2.4L ecotec.

that red one looks MEAN!

not gonna lie. i read only the part about the power and decided…“yes sir i like it”

and the rear wheel drive and manual 6 speed

try more like $32,000 for a v8 with some options.

Holden Gen IV 6.0L V8. Not really used here in the states till now. Has Displacement on Demand, and 362hp. Bit different from the LS2

Version without DoD aka the L98 has 391hp.

Theres also a Vortec L76 which is a Truck engine, but it only produces 355hp but has variable cam phasing (while still an ohv engine), not the same engine thats in this G8. Theres also a Vortec L98 aka the 6200, which is found in the newer Escalades and Denalis, which does 403hp, again with VCP. But not found in cars.

i like it. but the altima se-r rims gotts go. if its over 30K, i think it will have a hard time selling. pontiac has made their living off of selling affordable sporty cars. if your gonna price in that range, you have to compete with some really good cars. and if it is gonna be 30k, id much rather just go buy a new 350z.

v8 is supposed to start at 28k… I bet loaded its up around 34k

I like it… / the taillights

id rather have a g8 than 350z

it depends. if your gonna buy the car, and keep it stock, maybe the pontiac. but if your gonna buy a car like that, chancesa re your looking aftermarket, and thats why i would pick the 350z. its a nice car, and i would be happy with one in my driveway, but i owned a gp once, and it was the worst car i owned my whole life, it had more issues then kleenex got tissues…
it was in the dealer shop for the 1st 2 weeks i owned it, got it back, and in again, worked ok for about 6 months, then back in. i kept track. i owned the car 5 years, it was in the dealer shop for a toal of 3 months. yep, safe to say im never buying a pontiac again.

mine hasnt had many problems at all.

so youre saying the 350Z has a bigger aftermarket than the G8? You do realize the G8 uses an LS series engine right?

Technically its the L76 but its parts are from the same engine family