gas gonna go back up next week?

yep tthis trend has been the same for a long time. my dad opened his first gas station in either 1959 or 1960. So yes this is nothing new.
If you are on the gas subject what about the reformulated crap!!!
i am sure you get just as good of gas mileage with that garbage in the summer time and pay more for it? so while the hippie tree huggers are worried about natural resources and pushed for reformulated gas they ended up fucking themselves.

keep drinking the kool-aid. you come up with that yourself, or did you crib that from hannity’s rhetoric?

The minimum wage has been $5.15/hr for almost ten years. The price of EVERYTHING has gone up in the past ten years. If they linked the minimum wage to the consumer price index (like Oregon), we’d have small annual wage increases, which would work better for everyone.

$5.15/hour @ 40 hours/week = $892/month BEFORE taxes (assuming no vacations or sick days), and shit jobs rarely come with benefits.

Damn near anyone working for only minimum wage is there by choice/lack of motivation/laziness. Hell even fast food pays better than minimum wage from quite a number of examples I have seen.

Who do you know that actually works hard, and still gets paid min wage?

There is no min salary, some people get straight commission, work 40-60hrs/wk and don’t get paid at all for a while. Life’s not fair, if you want to make more money, you have to freaking work.

I wonder what would happen if there was no mandated minimum wage. Would there be places that would pay $2/hr? Would anyone work for it? Would things balance out on there own, and at what level? :dunno:


if minimum wage was where it should be, most entry level positions at most companies would go up as well, i would imagine so anyway

depends where you are. the unemployment rate in mississippi is almost 9%.

when supply (workers), exceeds demand (jobs), value decreases (workers get paid as little as possible). that $7/hour McJob in Wexford might be a $5.15/hr McJob in Biloxi.

gas went up here in MP 5 cents since yesturday

No one. But I know plenty of people who bust their ass for not much more.

no things wouldn’t balance out…

migrant workers illegal & legal often work for less then minimum.

people pay them less because they can…
just like raising gas prices because they can.

i’m so sick of the BS…just come out & say we are charging you $3 because we want to.

things would eventually even out. But what rate is welfare? Can people do nothing and get by, why work?


why not?

there are more workers than jobs.

pay rates go down, widening the gulf between the worker and the owner.

further polarising our class system.

but half of the eligible workers don’t want to work and won’t work no matter how much they make.

The companies would probably lower the rates to get workers but would go back up because people can’t work for $2/hour and still live.


source for statistic?

lol. i would say that most people making less than $10/hr live paycheck-to-paycheck as it is. one month at $2/hr could cost them everything. if what i made was reduced by 50%, i could keep my car and apartment, but i’d have to quit eating.

ready my esrlier post…because there people who will work for less them minimum cause thats the only job they can get.

back to GAS!!

People could work or more than min-wage, but it’s easier to stay on welfare. We don’t need to pass out any more money.

wake up

there are people who work for less then minimum & are not on welfare.

These people work in the food industry, and they get paid a lot of tips, which aren’t taxed.