gas gonna go back up next week?

wrong again…not who i’m talking about

keep thinking…there are others.

if you read my earlier post maybe you might get it.

need help?

tips are taxed. if you make less than $5.15/hour LEGALLY, you are a tipped employee. those tips are declared.

no stat to be found, just an educated guess.


i predict that gas prices will go up and down constantly

my job reimburses me for gas so i really dont pay anything :slight_smile:

Gas prices fluctuate due to Supply and Demand. It’s really that simple. Thats why they go up after Memorial Day, because its driving season and we are the world’s largest consumer of gasoline and other fuel oils.

I wrote a 80 page thesis on Oil and the price flucuations for an econ class in college, and my uncle and grandfather both seperately owned gas stations at one time or the other. I’m aware how it works, and its Supply and Demand.

Come on whitey, you’re a business school grad. It’s not that it causes a decrease in supply, its that it causes an increase in demand. Also, there are no alternatives to using gasoline. None. If there were an alternative, that would allow gas prices to stay lower in order the stay in competition. When you are a monopoly, supply and demand changes in that single area are going to cause HUGE fluctuations in the price.

Stock market and opec determine the price of gas, it’s called supply and demand, opec cuts supply, demand goes up, pretty simple. Or maybe it’s George Bush who raises the price cause he needs more money:rofl:

its done cause it can be done & people will pay no matter what…its not just in gas but with a lot of things we buy.

if you think its a supply problem cause of insurgents, taliban, chechen rebels, jay leno fueling up his fleet , etc…they your fooling yourself

you think what you want…


it’s not that straight forward…and there are alternatives (BUSH doesn’t want anything to do with them!)

Our cars run on a petrol based fossil fuel, Bush can’t change that, neither could Clinton, and neither will the next Pres. Until different vehicles are available, there won’t be an alternative, and even then, what’s to make people buy them? If it’s cheaper to run a gas car, what are you going to drive? There are some 100% elec cars available, go ahead and buy one.

Bush should lower the price of Aluminum wheels too…

I think there’s a direct cost to take fuel out of the ground, transport it, and refine it. If you want to bitch, blame the EPA for now allowing any new refineries to be built in this country. All of the ones we have are 30+ years old.

If you want strict price controls, move to a communist country.
Our prices are half what they are in Europe, yeah it must be our President screwing us.

Maybe you should try it, you might learn something. That’s like saying you refuse to buy a car, because there are some crooked car salesmen.

trust me…i know plenty.


Pardon me if I refuse to believe or take any solice in someone that can’t even spell the name of the TOWN THEY LIVE IN CORRECTLY. It’s Wilkinsburg, there is no E in there.

Did you study economics in school? Do you have any experience with gasoline/oil/natural gas or any other fossil fuels? Do you know any economists that work for both fuel providers as well as special interest groups in Washington that are supremely aware of how gas prices are affected?

Answer those questions truthfully and honestly, and then we can talk. Maybe if you stop reading all the horse shit that is plastered all over,, and, and did some actual research about the topic, you’d be more well informed.

Pardon me for coming off like a know it all prick, but I’m very well versed in this portion of the economy. I know what I’m talking about. I’m not on this board just shooting from the hip a bunch of shit that I read on the internet or searched on “The Google”.

Google knows everything. :slight_smile:

first off…give me a sec…serenity now…serenity now.

second…sorry i’m not mavis beacon …i do make typos.

third try to work on your reading comprehension…you said for me to go to church & try it, i might learn something…i replied i know plenty …so obviously …well i guess not obviously… i ment about church.

since you know so much about economics then…how come the same chain store can sell the same product @ 2 different prices. & i’m not talking about produce or something they might buy locally…example a electronics store selling a printer…its cause in some locations they can charge more & make more…not because supply & demand. its not like HP is charging one compUSA mre then another compUSA.

isn’t this about gas and not hp printers?


its an example!!!

its about people being able to charge what they want!

whitey…can you setup a rule for some people were they can’t type a reply for about 2-5 mins after they read a post…so they get a chance to digest it & comprehend whats going on.

another example…

a convenience store…they might charge 50-75 cents more for a 2 liter of soda.
why…its not always true that they paid more for it from the distributor its cause they can charge you more…your paying for the convenience of getting it there.

do you think a 20oz cost the same as a 2 liter…no but in some stores you pay $1+ for a single 20oz for convenience. why…cause they can charge that & people will pay.

If your going to talk about reading comprehension, realize I didn’t post about going to church. I’m agnostic, I’d never say that. For your reading (or lack thereof) pleasure, here is the quote.

Secondly, it most certainly is supply and demand in the case of the printers. You will tend to get better rates and better prices that sell more product. The more product they sell (therefore higher demand), then can afford to drop the price. If, for instance, there was a sudden shortage of ink cartridges, you would see the price of Ink Printers rise substantially because the supply of cartidges has been decreased, and until demand shifts and brings the price back under control, the price WILL RISE. But the reason they drop the price is because they are in a perfect competition type of market. Perfect competition means that there are a number of products that are relatively simliar and can be substituted for each other without any major changes or drop offs in quality. Because of the ability to have substituions, the prices can and will change significantly.

Gasoline has no direct substitue, therefore it will not behave the same as something that has a number of direct substitues availble for it.

OPEC is a cartel, something that is outlawed in the United States (for more information on cartels and other groups like them, check out wikipedia or other search engines for information on Standard Oil in the early part of last century.) Cartels can choose to set their own production schedules or levels, depending on what they see fit. They have decided to set one single production level as their own, therefore operating as a monopolistic entity. Therefore, any minimal change they may see either in the supply or demand side of their business, and they will alter the amount of oil they are pumping, therefore changing the supply of oil, and causing immediate impacts in the price of oil. Ever wonder why we had gas again at 89 cents a gallon directly after 9/11? It was because the demand for oil went SHARPLY down, and OPEC could not correct their supply side down fast enough to keep the prices in line.

Whether you want to admit it or not, the prices are a function of supply and demand on a worldwide scale. Don’t even get me started on China, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, and other areas of the world that impact the price either thru increased consumption or political strife.