gas gonna go back up next week?

:rofl: nice

If you think gas prices are bad that wonā€™t be the only thing that goes up if the dems take control, bend over and grab your ankles:idb: cause your taxes will also go up along with unempolyment just to name a couple. You can bet the house on that.

heh, i was liking this filling up for 22bucks a tank.

gas prices will go back up after the election. for those that think they wonā€™t just look at what they did the last elections. this isnā€™t a first time thing, it has happened the last few elections.

As far as Bush having control of the gas price knob, he probably doesnā€™t. But think of it this way, if energy companies that do have control over what they charge think that having republicans is good for their business they can temporarily lower prices to make their man in office look good.

Somebody had economics class in college haha I agree