some of these are great!
a good harmless one i did to a co worker’s (MyHonda1) desk…you can do this to anything with a drawer, like a dresser.
remove all clothing etc from drawer. use a drawer he frequents.
carefully line the inside of the drawer with a trash bag…taping the bag to the inside walls of the drawer…then, fill that bitch with water. right to the top. there will be 2 laughs with this…the first will be that the drawer is immediately heavy as hell, so it appears “stuck”…he will most likely yank on it to get it open, thus spilling water all over him and the floor. #2…if you don’t get the “splash” effect how you want…its just as amusing watching him try to figure out how to get the water out of there lol.
take it one step futher, and use “dirty” water, or fill it with gold fish. the possibilities are endless. even jello. lol