i got punked

oh damn, i workat one, that shit is nasty
one of the kids i work with bet me, when he comes in stoned, he will eat an entire party pizza uncooked dough

these ideas are amazing!

I’d have to say I like this one the most. It’s crafty, not immediately noticeable, and he’ll gradually look more like a scuzz ball on a day by day basis.

Other than that the ex-lax + seran-wrapped toilet is always a winner.

I like simplicity. Pizza grease in your food wasn’t harmful but said “HAHA! I GOT YOU FUCKER!”

I like the grease under the door handles on his car.
Conditioners dont smell like shampoo. He’d know immediately. Unless… you can find one that DOES smell like his/looks like it. Good luck.

If you don’t mind disgusting shit… put a dead fish that is about 2 inches long under his matress, in between the boxspring/matress. Not destructive, and yet… it’ll slowly start to rot and smell. Put it in a plastic bag, so that it doesnt destroy the matress/box spring. You want to get even, not be destructive. Actually, you could probably hide it behind a shelf or something in the bag… that’d probably be safer and just as effective.

did your friend jiz in your food? I hope I am having a reading comprehension problem right now. If so I would kick his ass for that.

Whoever doesn’t notice ceran wrap on a toliet must be blind, it reflects light very easily, and last I checked most people don’t poop/pee in the dark.

3am gotta piss im not turnin lights on

yeah, i don’t get that one at all either

I have never heard of this either. But I imagine it would be similar to when you spill non-diet soda or juice on yourself, it just leaves you sticky…

shave a chunk of hair off that way he has to shave his whole head

when person leaves their fast food soda unattended:

tear off corner of ketchup/mayo/relish packet, remove lid and straw from fast food soda cup. put straw in ketchup packet and reassemble before they return.

nothing like a gulp of ketchup when you expecting coke. reactions are priceless.

some of these are great!

a good harmless one i did to a co worker’s (MyHonda1) desk…you can do this to anything with a drawer, like a dresser.
remove all clothing etc from drawer. use a drawer he frequents.
carefully line the inside of the drawer with a trash bag…taping the bag to the inside walls of the drawer…then, fill that bitch with water. right to the top. there will be 2 laughs with this…the first will be that the drawer is immediately heavy as hell, so it appears “stuck”…he will most likely yank on it to get it open, thus spilling water all over him and the floor. #2…if you don’t get the “splash” effect how you want…its just as amusing watching him try to figure out how to get the water out of there lol.
take it one step futher, and use “dirty” water, or fill it with gold fish. the possibilities are endless. even jello. lol

all great ideas, but what if for are trip to myrtle beach i aquired a gay pride bumber sticker and temperarily put it on his bumber i mean i dont want to get to serious plus were driving in two cars so i think it will be funny or maybe not i might just be becasue i am kind of drunk

lol. I can just picture you sitting at home planning revenge