i got punked

if he goes to school…and has a lap top, set his home page to some gay porn video link, and make sure the volume is all the way up when the computer turns on…

let him get really really drunk, hardcore drunk, and pass out…and then do 1 of 2 things…

1 - Despite how much you really won’t want to do this…you, or somebody else…needs to somehow wedge a condom in his ass…and leave his pants half down, for when he wakes up…


2 - Put him in a tub of ice, and splat fake blood all over the ice at his waste and on the bathroom floor…

Slash his throat and pull his tongue through the opening.

Helmet hardener instead of shampoo ala Mahoney from Police Academy. Gets em every time :stuck_out_tongue:


sugar cubes in the shower head


this is evil

pizza grease is like.,…lard, or animal fat or whatever - to clear that up

superglue his fingers together when he is sleeping.

doesnt visine in a drink make you have diaroni? its perfect

Table over him while he’s sleeping with an air horn wakeup call. Gets em every time.

Pack his nose full of shit while he sleeps. Then get a cup of your piss
and pour it in his mouth so he chokes on it. Or super glue his hand onto his dick.

punch him in the face

Put gelatin in the toilet. He’d have to scoop it out!


Pinhole in the condom trick is always good too.

Does he lock his room when he leaves?


Pinhole in the condom trick is always good too.


Ahhhahahaha LMFAO :lol: “Haha bitch, you made me eat grease so I made you a dad!”


Put gelatin in the toilet. He’d have to scoop it out!



… been there said that:wstupid:


Does he lock his room when he leaves?




Pinhole in the condom trick is always good too.



explain the sugar cubes in the shower head one?

napolean style, send a love letter to his boss <3

cut the corner off a mayo packet so its barely open an put them under his toilet seat lid so when he sits it covers the back of his legs or gets on his pants., or use clear tape on the sprayer nozzle for the sink and aim it toward the center, water comes on he gets nice an wet. I know those are mild compared to jizzshampoo and angry pirates but are always good for a chuckle