Gas Prices?




:word: We should run a pipeline from Prudhoe Bay to the port of Valdez. We could call it the Trans Alaska Pipeline System.


Ahh…eh to an extent it is. The problem is it is a consumer market, and one that they know will sell regardless of price. I really think we should build new refineries in the Gulf and drill more oil there. Also, WE NEED TO TAP ALASKA!!! It is just sitting there doing nothing. If it is done right there will be little to no negative environmental impact…and its not like we are talking a state the size of Rhode Island…its 1/5 the size of the continental US for Christ sake.


How would more oil effect retail prices if they are already making too much money (remember record profits)? All that will happen is that they will get their oil cheaper and make even more money. There is no incentive to reducing the price because there is no competition between oil companies. They all take their share of the record profits and have a grand ole time with our money.

Warning don’t buy gas from Citgo <— their owners burn the American flag everytime the have a chance to.




From the info I found is the gas in Japan is from the Alaskan Pipe Line! The US sells and profits off of it. Aug. 2006 the price was $5.09per gal, this spring it is around $6.75per gal.

the US government should stop being greedy & sell us our own gas at a cheaper price. That will then lower gas/oil prices from the other companies

As of today Crude oil per barrel was $63 and gas prices average about $3.17. Last year Crude oil per barrel was $72 and gas prices average was about $3.01. :gotme: I dont get it!


Warning don’t buy gas from Citgo <— their owners burn the American flag everytime the have a chance to.


As Crazy as it may seem, you’re actually allowed to burn the flag in our country. There was a court case that decided that you can do whatever you want to the American flag…under self-expression. Sucks huh?

P.S. that was just a random fact…and yes, ECC taught me that…go figure.

Wow - no one has ever heard of that before :smash2:


Wow - no one has ever heard of that before :smash2:


what do you mean?

I must be hanging out here too much, because Newman is starting to rub off on me.


I must be hanging out here too much, because Newman is starting to rub off on me.


If you were referring to the flag burning thing…I was just saying that because in my gov’t class there are alot of people bitching and complaining about people burning the flag and whatnot and they didn’t know that it’s legal. Also…I’m assuming if it were a Canadian flag that the citgo people were burning no one would care…haha So I wasnt being dumb or anything I was just saying that to educate people that maybe didnt know that.

and trust me, nobody wants another newman…


I must be hanging out here too much, because Newman is starting to rub off on me.


fucking :word: Im starting to become a fucking smarty pants too. :tdown: And also im saying FUCK a lot at random times for no apparent reason. These fucking noobs are wearing us down.