Gas Prices?

haha im already wierd lol. but im off to college on my own in a few months

and we will never be able to function without oil. not even for one day. and when the worlds oil is gone if that ever happens were fucked


The thing with gas prices is it is a consumer commodity. You want to know who makes the gas prices? you and I. That’s who. It is the stock holders and consumers. The owners of the petroleum companies are keeping their prices in competition with the world market. If a manager at a gas station says fuck this and lowers gas by .20 a gallon, his ass is fired. It has nothing to do with the owners of the location where you buy the fuel. Also, NYS has a MASSIVE tax (no surprise) on gas. People keep complaining about gas prices and blame big oil and this and that but they do not realize that “big oil” works on the supply and demand premise. If they sell too much, then they have low levels of fuel and drive prices up. If they sell too little, the make it cheaper, which then sells tons of gas and they make their levels low, then forcing them to drive prices up again. It is a continuing cycle. I love how the politicians blame the oil companies for the prices, yet they are the ones who vote to keep them from building more refineries and further drilling and exploring our oilfields here in the US, which would drastically lower gas prices.


Wtf, who are you and what have you done with JEG?


if people really wanted to make an impact everyone wouldnt buy gas for a week but that will NEVER happen


I go two weeks without buying gas all the time, even in my 6.0 V8 getting 15mpg. But I don’t go driving in circles looking for street races, and I live near where I work.

Not getting gas for a week, just like not getting gas for a day, only works if you do something during that time to change your usage. If you just buy gas the day/week before or the day/week after and use the same amount during your boycott, you’ve done nothing.

I think I’m going to write “use less you fucktard” on a stick and use that stick to beat the next person to bring up the “don’t buy gas during this time period” theory thinking that it will affect gas prices. :slight_smile:

w/o reading the thread…

gas stations pay differnent prices to fill their tanks just like us.

stations get deliveries on different days at different prices.
sometimes more sometimes less…

gas stations make very little money on a gallon of gas.
they want the residual business in the store.

Al Gore will solve all our problems.


The thing with gas prices is it is a consumer commodity. You want to know who makes the gas prices? you and I. That’s who. It is the stock holders and consumers. The owners of the petroleum companies are keeping their prices in competition with the world market. If a manager at a gas station says fuck this and lowers gas by .20 a gallon, his ass is fired. It has nothing to do with the owners of the location where you buy the fuel.






The owners of the fuel station do not set the gas prices…The people who own the company do. The CEOs and whatnot. NY also has very strict guidlines as to how low you can sell your gas.

i was under the assumption it was all based apon the price per barrel of oil, and the ease of shipping and delivering it, or at least that has an effect on it.
oil wells are drained dry every day.
however given the ridiculous numbers im currently thinking
there are a large number of factors and cash games we’re not even aware of and theres nothing we can do to change the price, only ways to not use as much or be more efficient


The owners of the fuel station do not set the gas prices…The people who own the company do. The CEOs and whatnot. NY also has very strict guidlines as to how low you can sell your gas.


Oh no, I agree with that. But not with the consumer setting the price via the supply and demand model. And it is NOT competitive in the world market.

why is my gas cheaper in NJ and i dont even have to pump my own gas. its against the law for me to do so.


The thing with gas prices is it is a consumer commodity. You want to know who makes the gas prices? you and I. That’s who. It is the stock holders and consumers. The owners of the petroleum companies are keeping their prices in competition with the world market. If a manager at a gas station says fuck this and lowers gas by .20 a gallon, his ass is fired. It has nothing to do with the owners of the location where you buy the fuel. Also, NYS has a MASSIVE tax (no surprise) on gas. People keep complaining about gas prices and blame big oil and this and that but they do not realize that “big oil” works on the supply and demand premise. If they sell too much, then they have low levels of fuel and drive prices up. If they sell too little, the make it cheaper, which then sells tons of gas and they make their levels low, then forcing them to drive prices up again. It is a continuing cycle. I love how the politicians blame the oil companies for the prices, yet they are the ones who vote to keep them from building more refineries and further drilling and exploring our oilfields here in the US, which would drastically lower gas prices.



Jeg could barely spell “USA” correctly last week, and now he’s spelling SAT words like “refineries”, and “drastically”?

The stupid fuck copy & pasted this from somewhere.

I hope you know JEG and are just poking fun at a friend, otherwise you are a huge prick. :eyebrow:

Minimum wage up = people working in petroleum factories etc etc making the oil into gas getting paid more = more money FROM the company so they raise the gas price to compensate,
also the minimum wage means they can raise the price because mroe money will be made throughout

and then taxes are about 40% of the price and lets not forget about this ‘iraq’ stuff and the costs it incurs so why not jack up taxes to pay for some stuff

and then a fucking quandry, the fact that all most delivery trucks aside from ones to mobils and exxons are third partys and then again they need gas for theyre trucks to deliver the gas and the gas they put IN the truck incurs even more costs.

its a paradox of rapage


I hope you know JEG and are just poking fun at a friend, otherwise you are a huge prick. :eyebrow:


i know jeg. we are really good buds, he just doesn’t know it. We are also in love, he just doesn’t know it.


Haha cool. He seems like a good guy and I haven’t had enough coffee yet so I was ready to go all internet-thug to, ah, defend his honor? :mamoru: :headbang:


Haha cool. He seems like a good guy and I haven’t had enough coffee yet so I was ready to go all internet-thug to, ah, defend his honor? :mamoru: :headbang:


Haha. Naw, I bust on Jeg’s balls all the time. He’s a good guy. I’m just glad hes learning how to use proper grammar and syntax.


Wtf, who are you and what have you done with JEG?




Oh no, I agree with that. But not with the consumer setting the price via the supply and demand model. And it is NOT competitive in the world market.


Ahh…eh to an extent it is. The problem is it is a consumer market, and one that they know will sell regardless of price. I really think we should build new refineries in the Gulf and drill more oil there. Also, WE NEED TO TAP ALASKA!!! It is just sitting there doing nothing. If it is done right there will be little to no negative environmental impact…and its not like we are talking a state the size of Rhode Island…its 1/5 the size of the continental US for Christ sake.



Jeg could barely spell “USA” correctly last week, and now he’s spelling SAT words like “refineries”, and “drastically”?

The stupid fuck copy & pasted this from somewhere.


Umm…I was in advanced English classes lol…My writing skills are really good when I want to put in the effort. When I don’t give a shit and I am typing fast well…that’s when you need a special decoder ring to understand what I said lmao. Oh…also…spell check is amazing :wink: