Gas smell and exhaust leak?

I’ve been noticing more and more lately that the car is
a. running slightly rich and
b. that there is an exhaust leak and
c. smells like gas.

The leak is only really noticable from inside the cabin between 2-3k rpm in any given gear obviously. Could the exhaust leak be the cause of the gas that I’m smelling and could it be releasing pressure or something causing it to run rich?

I did some searching on and off the site. I only found things about howto recognize an exhaust leak and people ragging at others for having an exhaust leak.

Any help is appreciated.


Its noticable outside too, I could hear it clearly while driving behind you. The leak wont make it smell like gas, thats from running rich, mine smells slightly of gas as well at times. The exhaust leak wont make you run rich.

Ya. I drove 250km on the highway today. And anytime I would do a decently hard pull as soon as I was off the throttle there was a heavy scent of gasoline.

Was the sent coming from the out of exhaust or was it like pure gasoline? as in a leak and the smell was entering the cabin??

I’m not 100% sure. It was definitely entering the cabin. Smelt like burning gasoline though or burnt fumes… not like 100% fresh outta the pump thats for sure.

I have been having the exact same problem. I have no idea what it is.

lol i think it happens to every 240, it comes from the transmission tunnel i think.

maybe you have a leak where the downpipe and the catalytic converter connect, could be why you smell gas. Or It could also be that your O2 sensor needs replacing, or both.

Im probably going to replace my O2 sensor very soon.