Gas tank rattle?

Alright, well. I put in a mofo of a stereo in my s13. And now…the rattling is fuckin unbearable.

Anyone here had this problem before? Not the plate, bumper, rebar. The car is NOT rotted so nothing is loose. Not the exhaust. Put your hand on the tank and you can feel it rattling/vibrating.

Dynamat fix my issue?

LOL i know exactly what it is

those stupid things ur dad put in ur tank

haha. lmao. i doubt it. seriously doubt it.

none the less your an ass lol.


baffle around the pump broke off. I can hear mine sloshing around when i stop.

I was thinking that ball you put in the tank too.

boys…if you heard this mutha fuckin noise! i’m telling you. it’s like the top of the tank is smashing against the floor or something. sounds HORRID.

although i can not hear it inside.

colin. whats up brother! you need to check out my system lol. box takes up the entire trunk space. 2 12"'s and 1000watt amp.

my head still hurts. next is in car’s amp and a screen!

sounds pretty nice, did you end up getting the lip,
keep me posted man, send me some pics keep me posted, there is nothing but trucks up here, not much cars, couple srt-4’s and they think there kings lol.

Baffle around the pump. Both my race car did it before the cell was put in and my dd does it now.

i’ll have to check the baffle then i guess… that sucks ass though

colin, i’m a try and get lisa to take pictures of everything as soon as i can. or i’ll just wait for the coil overs then take pics.

deciding on powertrain shit now