GAS WAR - an idea that WILL work


lol I’m just passing the message on… I cant wait to put $5 a gallon into my car :tdown:


Looking at the car in your sig, you’re part of the reason gas prices are high. But don’t feel bad, I am too.

I do my part by only driving 2 miles to work each day. Even at 15mpg in town, driving < 10k a year makes me more green than the guy with the 30mpg civic driving 25k a year.

But I’m sorry, I can’t accept the excuse of, “Just passing long the message”. The message was stupid, and stupidity can stop with you. :slight_smile: These gas boycott ideas are really a huge pet peave of mine, because they show how stupid this country is. As the article I posted pointed out, it would only take a 1 or 2 percent reduction in demand to make a huge impact on the price at the pump, but people won’t make simple changes. Instead they forward stupid emails like this, because the make believe solution is something that requires them to do absolutely nothing different. Well guess what, when you do nothing, you get nothing.