Gasoline to hit $4 this summer and probably will be here to stay

I hope it goes to $10.50 a gallon, just so no one else is on the road.

im ok with that.

when i was out west, in Vancouver BC 94 octane was over 3$ per litre(~3.7L to a gallon) wicked cheap!

You know of a couple hundred thousand people who are ready and willing to die for gas?

someone explain how diesel trucks will get CHEAPER to buy if the gas prices jump? Wouldn’t that make people want a diesel truck MORE, making supply and demand higher… thus increasing the values?

I say we all follow around the oil tycoons around and when they park siphon the gas out of their bently gt’s when they arnt looking.

wait read that wrong… nm

you’re better than that

Does it matter? They signed up, they should know what they are getting involved in. Plus we should be independent on oil.

If I was drafted I would go fight for my country, but I have no reason to enlist now.

I know lots of people who would legitimately stand behind this coutry if it was going to pick a battle worth fighting. Do you anyone that doesn’t have their head in their ass?

Why don’t you have a reason to enlist now?

I know a lot of people like that too, my point is, I don’t think fighting for oil is a very legitimate reason. As for the latter part of your comment, not really sure where you were going with that, I wasn’t trying to be a douche or pick a fight.

i was though :rofl :rofl :rofl

:lol i see

:rofl :rofl :rofl

You say that like it’s a bad thing. :lol Civic ftw.

Me nether, that’s why I say go take that shit and show this world who’s BOSS.

Wayne64SS for president

that is all

LOL, where are we going to come up with the cash for ANOTHER war? Most states are bankrupted, unemployment is at an all time high and we owe lots of people and insane amount of money.

Plenty of reasons, why are you?

I am not. You are just more of the stereotypical, kill everything that isn’t amurrrrican type of guy and I figured that would be a good enough reason for you to fight.

And it’s mostly due to speculation and market manipulation, not supply and demand. Crude surpluses are actually up. Nice, huh?

My car only gets 93.

NO! at least buy a Civic hybrid or CR-Z