Gasoline to hit $4 this summer and probably will be here to stay

CR-Z is slooooow.

It’s a hybrid the fuck you exspect? least its a bad ass looking one

[quote=Mark355;740552]And it’s mostly due to speculation and market manipulation, not supply and demand. Crude surpluses are actually up. Nice, huh?

Ya it suck for Americans. OPEC meets every year and decides how much crude oil to release onto the market. Kinda makes you wonder what would have happened if we just turned Iraq into glass instead of this idiotic missguided path we’re on now.

turning an entire country into glass would be awful expensive, my estimate is infinity billion dollars

And that’d be ok if it wasn’t marketed as a sports coupe.

that was a very politically incorrect and inpractical joke about nuking part of the middle east. Yes I know it’s a horrible idea and would probably destroy the global climate…not at all serriously suggesting it.

All Im saying is turning an entire country into this /// would be expensive.


i got the impression they were marketing as a “sporty hybrid”

this i have been wanting a new body GM!!!

Fucking ridiculous.

No other product’s price goes up and down nearly as much as gas does.

Doesnt anybody in the government realize how badly high gas prices fuck shit up?
-Any kind of freight shipping prices increase
-people dont take vacations, tourism industry goes to shit, less tax revenue
-many small businesses/trucking companies forced to close
-increased unemployment
and a bunch more shit.

Seems like nobody’s wages go up when gas prices and the price of everything else goes up either.

And then the gas companies post record profits.

baller baller

Guess what happens when you sell hundreds of billions of gallons of gas? Yup you are going to make billions of dollars. The profit margins for an oil company are a joke compared to many other lucrative businesses, they just sell a whole ton more. Oil companies are posting profits, they are hiring more people, they are giving cost of living raises…it’s about time for the government to step in and punish them. It’s a private company what is the government supposed to do about it?

You need those profits when a sequence of small at fault and not at fault mistakes threaden to destroy the worlds Eco system and everybody under the moon wants to sue.

Isn’t that what we are fighting for now? Oil?

WE god damn well better be. For all those fallen troops over there, we better come back with SOMETHING other than another god damn “free” nation. Fucking government faggots.

Team America: World Police.

I can’t fathom how much is wasted on unemployment. What is it 1.5 years now? These idiots just sit around all day and collect rather than going to work. It’s such a pussy system. People dont WANT to work. They would rather have handouts. Same thing with welfare. We’re fucking doomed.

I don’t post in these threads because I get so heated over our own stupiditiy. Obama, why don’t you extend it to 5 years, with free health care for ALL! National debt is such a joke anyways.

Why bother working?

easy on those “people” you speak of… some of us work our asses off 9months out of the yr and cant work when there is 12"+ of snow ice on the ground… but it is rid that you can collect 99 weeks!!! 26 max i think!

wait what? why does 12" of snow stop you from working? don’t you have a truck?

the tracks on the machines freeze up over night and it takes over an hr to thaw them, digging is tougher when the ground is frozen, everything moves slower hyd. fluid doesnt flow as well when its below freezing, stone and sand piles freeze up which cause chunks that can break a pvc pipe when backfilling. there are quite a few different reasons… believe me i would go if they had work to do!