Gauging interest in Drift Event

I’ll gladly lend a hand anywhere its needed though.

I’ll even operate a camera is someone wants to lend me one to use

Tires came out great J, thanks a ton for your help the other day.

Tires are good, one set of spacers didn’t fit my hubs (JCLARK :shifty) so I’m only rocking them on the rear, which apparently was a bad idea.

They rubbed going over big bumps in the road when I had under a 1/4 tank.

I filled up tonight. You do the math.


i’ll nab a 370z from armory :excited

just go “test drive” some cars on friday around 5.

no prob. glad it worked out and was cheaper for ya. save a set for LVD!

sonofabitch. there 4 dates :smiley: but you shouldnt who a pic of D1. MAD JDM DRIFTERS will be like :excited:excited:excited and we’ll have people asking me if i have a SR20 swap. then when i say no they argue about it with me. :ahh

…/rant… lol Nice work Guys!. Hopefully i fix my diff,and get a some tires/rims b4 the event. No job at the moment owns me.

thanks, we worked very hard to get this and i for one can tell you we are doing all we can to get a good price so everyone can come out and have a good time.

you don’t need an sr swap look at the new project car mag they had a stock KA with intake,advanced timing,68 psi in the rear tires and some other small mods and they had no prob drifting.

Found a full set of 16" wheels/tires for $100 :excited

haha howard put that pic on there, we had nothing to do with that lol

we should have prices soon once we figure out finalize insurance and everything. If you don’t want to drift, definietly come down and watch or help out with a few things. Like Jay said, we will post up other details shortly such as drivers meetings, amount of cars, etc.

thanks for your support shift-ers, let’s kick the season off right!

Hey d00d, saw you bombin’ through ‘toga with the Lexus. I was drivin’ the red '93 Hardbody pickup.

we going to discuss track layout at all? I have a few ideas…

track layout is a big question still…we have a few ideas but we are waiting to meet down at the Valley again to actually walk the lot to look for any trouble spots.

We are thinking it will most likely be a second gear course, so look for it to be smaller with some more linked turns. It’s all going to depend on what kind of space we have.

there is the map, feel free to play with some ideas on that and send them to me

Can we have at least ONE good sized 4rd gear sweeper?

That’s all I want, second gear transitions, but one goof long 3rd gear turn so we can see entry speeds up towards 60-65.

I neeeeedddd ittt.

I realize this is your guys deal, but if at all possible let me know when you’re going up to walk the course out, I’ll happily go with you guys and share ideas.

I’m a walking think tank.

Yeah I took it out for a quick drive then got stuck running all these retarded errands in it. I actually drove it to work this morning too

Yea pm me your number and I’ll let you know

as much as we would like to do some 70mph entry speeds I believe that is beyond the scope and scale of our track and our drivers lol.

but for cereal, we will probably keep it 2nd gear simply because its the first event and for overall safety.


:rofl:rofl I know. But for JDM apprence you absolutly do … (:Idiots)

Ask anyone @ the nissan meet…namly steve (91 240) about me + turn + VSLD… :lol Go little KA that could!

Your car will go sideways, you just have to shift the weight and clutch kick. You can’t be like me and just power through it :lol


Just throw it sideways on wet roads :slight_smile: I kicked it out a little but you were pretty much perpendicular to the road :lol

Yeah Jeff scares me sometimes when its pouring out and he decides to go sideways… :ohnoes

There are a few welll known cars that successfully drifted stock KA and looked bad ass doing it.