Fucking roflcopter at thinking being gay is a choice. All you straight people out there, if you were put in a room with a million gay guys for an amount of time… do you think that there is a chance that you would become gay? I know a kid from highschool who was gay, his dad was in the airforce and a sheriff and he was the epitome of the alpha male. How do you explain that if your going with the social route?

I agree with Jdaniels… who the fuck cares, let them be happy. Everyone thinks gays are going to invade them when in reality they just want to do there own thing.

Why do I like vanilla but not chocolate ice cream Chris?

It’s not an opinion and opinions have nothing to do with the argument as opinions are based mostly on your given information. Preferences like ice cream have nothing to do with opinions.

Urge to go against the grain? Most people want to conform as much as they can as it’s the easy way out.

Why do I like vanilla but not chocolate ice cream Chris?

It’s not an opinion and opinions have nothing to do with the argument as opinions are based mostly on your given information. Preferences like ice cream have nothing to do with opinions.

Urge to go against the grain? Most people want to conform as much as they can as it’s the easy way out.

Sexual tendencies exist in all species from beginning to end… it can’t be compared to something like video games, cars, or anything like that.

so if you knew he was gay it was obviously not his choice by default… he obviously had something in his genes making STEER TOWARDS being gay

in fear for his dad whooping his ass and disowning him, he probably tried to turn straight and fuck bitches…but i bet you that shit is hella forced and hes probably gonna have his gay episodes later in life if not go full out gay as FUCK.

There has to be TONS of gay dudes who grew up gay but acted like they were not, even if its obviouis they were… and then turned gay later in life when they didnt have a fear to be.

the shit is genetics, but then again so is your body build… you can work out but if you’re weak to start with… you will always be at the end of the day

So when did you chose to be straight?


If it’s a conciois(sp?) choice where you valued your options you should recall it.

Holy ignorance. You need to stop viewing gay people based on their stereotype. How you describe a gay person is the same way someone would see you and automatically decide you’re a terrorist.

Want a prime example of something we’re told to do when we’re young playing a part our whole lives? Education.

ya since when was it cool to go against the grain with your sexuality and tell people you’re gay as FUCK?

helll no GTFO

Wow Vlad. Did I say EVERYTHING was based on choice? No.

All you do in an argument (for since as long as I’ve known you) is stick to your opinions and exhibit no signs of mindful thinking and then you take any arguments against yours and just blow them out or proportion and find any possible loophole to make them appear wrong.


it doesnt matter what color / language / clothes / part of the world you grew up… if you’re fucking gay you are gonna walk and talk with the same slur and sway as any other gay fucker on the planet.

THATS not the same as you telling me i look terrorist, that only goes for middle eastern brown mother fuckers like me, im not talking about that… im talking about any race anywhere in the world.

OKAY thats a PRIME example… we were told to go through courses of education while we were young.

YEAH im pretty sure every kid goes to school becuase they are told to… and they all do it regardless… its a choice even if its made by their parents its ultimately the kids choice… they go.

Its not effected by age like your sex drive is... kids go to school when they are like 5 and 6 years old.... they are also aware at this time they are supposed to like the opposite sex... but most of them truely dont give two shits about it and sometimes think its 'wierd" to think like that.

UNTIL their bodies change and then all of the sudden they are horny.


His dad actually did disown him… very sad. If my son was gay, I don’t think it would be easy for me, but I can’t see a situation where I would want to disown my child.

Its natural… you just know. Gay people will say the same thing.

You didnt say everything was.

Which is why I’m asking.

How do you determine what is and what isn’t.

And if it isn’t a choice then what is it that makes me like vanilla?

It wasn’t a rebuttal it was a question to get an insight to your philosophy.

you just said in your first post on this debate that you didnt think it was a choice, now you think its natural ?

***** wat side are you on? before i fire these guns i gotta know

Holy shit… you people are fucking me up, I can’t distinguish sarcasm and shit via online messages.

there is no sarcasm, i think always thought it was obvious that gay dudes are def gay naturally and straight dudes are straight naturally… like vlad said… you didnt choose to like some of the things you like in your life.

unless its on facebook, then it was totally choice to click the like button

… which is why I said I don’t think its a choice, I think its natural…

ya but it sounded like you think it IS a choice

Exceptions to the rule aside, why do most gay men “chose” to act in a feminine way or have certain tendencies, and most real lesbians are masculine/butch?

If you’ve ever dealt with a real gay guy you will see that they are just as scared/shocked and phobic of female reproductive organs as males are of other males. Same damn reaction.

It’s not an act, it’s not a choice, they are just grossed out/put off by it because they act like the opposite gender would.

yeah thats what i been saying and then i was told i was just stereotyping

Most of them are.

There is an exception to every damn rule.