GEICO - Holy #)#$

I got more than that for hail damage, no increase in rates or fault?

I LOVE my state farm. They have been nothing but great to me. I’ve had them myself for 10 years now, and my family has used them for around 15+ years. I am paying about $250/month for my Jetta (full coverage), my Golf (full coverage - left it on since I was hoping to get it running again soon… probably pulling it off once we get the house), My R6 (full coverage), the wife’s Jeep (full coverage), Hospital Income (I get paid for every day I’m in the hospital if I get hurt/sick/etc), and home owners/renters insurance.

A few years ago I managed to total 3 cars (2 of which being the same car) in a month. None of which were my fault (although the other party ran on the first accident), but my rates never increased at all. My agent is very good and remembers me by name anytime I go in or call.

I can’t imagine I will EVER leave State Farm.

Hail doesnt go on your abstract.

Yep same experiences with State Farm.

This fits so well :lol

A few thoughts from a licensed insurance agent:

MetLife isn’t a very good carrier. Pro Tip: Don’t buy insurance from a company whose mascot is freaking dog or a lizard. I would also avoid direct writers that only offer a single carrier’s product.

Everyone at work and their brother swears by em so I’ll give em a shot. I have never had to file a claim in the 8 years I’ve been driving so hopefully that streak continues.

If not, I’ll check out some of the other ones if that time comes. It’s not like I’m locked in.

There is always a hater.


I’ve spend $160 this year for two bikes do I don’t even feel like shopping around.

I trust my insurance agent that works with several insurance companies. He knows my whole family by name, cars, records (lol), and even hobbies.
Hopmeier Evans and Gage

I wish there was a non profit insurance company… that would be convenient, cheap with good coverage… is that too much to ask?

I had GEICO for a long time. If they didn’t raise my premium for no reason, I will be sticking with them. You did save a bunch by switching to them so I am not going to worry too much.

So just wasted some time:

Geico 577 6 month
State Farm 688 6 month
Progressive 605 6 month
Allstate 513 6 months

So Im going to finish this defensive driving course and switch to Allstate. F that gecko, have had them 5+ years.

Is that for 6 months? One car?

Good to hear allstate is cheapest. That’s what I have for my cars.

Thats two cars. 92 and 95 Civics. And Im on the final stretch of this DD course, so it should be less even.

All insurance companies are crooks, but Geico will sucker you in with a cheap rate and then skullfuck you the moment anything happens, whether it be a ticket, accident, or act of God.

Liberty Mutual here. I pay a lot for one car and no record, but they’re not as crooked as others. Eh.

I think a lot of it depends on age to. I just got out of that dreaded young driver category most insurances have so that helped a lot on All State and I’m sure it contributed to the Geico price because when I did a quote with Geico last year, it was over $100.

I’ve had gieco for a while now. Never had to file a claim and have shopped around a few times with various agents and none of them have ever come close to gieco’s price.

A few years ago I got an online quote from Geico and they wanted what I pay for a year for 6 months of coverage.

Clean record, no tickets, no accidents.

Ill stick with Kemper. $136 a month for two vehicles.

Love Geico… so cheap


when I was 16, geico was the cheapest insurance by far.

every year I was with them, they got more expensive.

I dropped them less then a year ago because they were pretty much raping me. Full coverage, no record and no accidents, ever. I was paying $240 a month just for my camaro…

switched to state farm and it cut my rates in half…