GEICO - Holy #)#$

yup. They raised me over $50 a month for no reason one month, after being with them for 6 years record free! fuck geico! I was PISSED.

they are beginning to rape my fiance too. Cheap for the first 6 months, then they added $25 a month for no reason as well.

I had Progressive a few years ago but switching to Kemper saved me quite a bit of money and both are thru the same agency.

I guess I’ll just keep an eye on my bill to make sure they aren’t hikin up the rate.

wait until 6 months. Then grab the Vaseline and bend over.

Deff…not true had geico for a while homeowners business and personal been the same for a few years…also reffer my customers to them


The other issue I’ve seen with Geico is that as far as I know, they don’t let you buy back a vehicle if it is totaled. Not sure if that is an actual policy, but my old boss had a car totaled without any extensive damage and they refused to allow him to buy it back.

I also recently switched away from Geico after 6 years and saved 20%+ with BETTER coverage on a truck, a car and a bike. GMACFTMFW.

As an aside, trying to cancel my policy was like trying to break up with a crazy ex GF. Girl wouldn’t accept that saving hundreds of dollars was reason enough to switch. “but, but, but the sex- I mean- insurance was so good.”

Which reminds me, I gotta go throw some water in Wayne’s mom’s dog dish. Brb.

Easiest way to cancel anything ever - tell then you’re moving to a different county. :thumbup

Offroadjz - I think that’s dependent on the vehicle IE how new it is mostly. But diff insurers have different rules I assume. I also know that if the other guys company pays for your car when you have liability they rarely keep the car because they want nothing to do with it and would rather have you deal with it.

This is true. My wife got rear ended by some dirt bag with no insurance. They totaled her car, and raised our insurance through the roof.