General E46 Info Please

First off i have searched and i am on bimmerforums and have read up somewhat, so if you dont like my post go read another one thanks. Ok so ive decided i want to buy a 3-series coupe manual trans as a daily driver. Basically i dont care about power at all as I already have a fsat car. So my question is if you were going to buy one what year,model/options and why? My main concerns are reliability, fuel economy, and comfort. Also I want to spend anywhere from 12k-probably 17k max, so im looking 00-02 it looks like. Thanks alot Andrew


lol please elaborate

no luck on bimmerforums?

Theres one on here for sale… for like 10-11k and looks like a good deal.


yea i saw that one for sale and it does look nice. Only problem is i am in Iraq untill june so that is when i plan to purchase. Skunk bimmerforums has given me plenty of info but i figured i would make a straight to the point thread.

ahhh gotcha

i’ll keep my eyes open

if you start paying me now til june i’ll hold it for ya :wave:

really? i do like your car. Im going to send you a pm

If I read another one of these threads I’ll shoot myself.


Really will you have someone take vid and post if of you shooting yourself, now thats entertainment. But thanks for the links im sure they will help. I had a long rant about how i knew it wasnt possible to make a thread without dumb comments being added but for the sake of my post. PLEASE DONT POST IN IT IF IT DOSENT HELP ME THANKS

search 93dx–hatch’s user name he just made a thread like this,

Are you the Cougarspeed that used to have the black camaro?

You really are ignorant aren’t you?

That attitude will get you really far. :tup: