Get Caged at PMP - New Fox body pics!

I got a nice blown rear end from them :tup: . Thats what I get for trusting someone else with my car :frowning:

Maybe they went out of business :lol:

Na I was there ther othe day, lots of nice cars. Got some Stange adjustable shocks for a great price.

Yes … He is actually VERY busy right now

You mean NYSpeed is not REAL LIFE??? WTF is going on here, has the world gone MAD?!!?!?!

:tup: To Paul, he does fantastic work. Calling him is definitely your best bet as he doesnt want to deal with the BS on here. He’s going to be doing work for myself and a few others over the winter.

I stopped by a week ago or so. Busy place.



how many user names can you get banned on JnJ?