Getting out of a lease

I would be shitting bricks dude. Definitely call a building inspector NOW. They are usually pretty cool guys and I’m sure would help you out. OR Turn the stove on, turn on blowtorch in living room. leave.

Dude I seriously think some one who weighs like 250 or more could go through the floor if they jumped

dude, get him before he gets you. my buddy owns section 8 property that is in FAR BETTER shape than that dump.

what do you mean?

ill do it ,then ill sue em .and u get out of lase ,or i become your landlord:lol

Arguing on the phone right now

go to the DA’s office with this, because you seriously live in a building that is more un safe than walking through a known mine field. get him shut down before you have pending legal action. waste no time with it.

good idea… thanks dude.

exactly. don’t sleep on it bro. bring pics with you to the DAs!!!

Yea I would contact the DA. I actually met with one of Albanys DA’s on thursday and the guy was real nice and very understanding. You might as well try and get this guy shut down cause he is an obvious slum lord

good luck man, youve got tons of people who have been there that can attest to the conditions.

pictures dont do it justice.

Jammer has got to know about this stuff

we mentioned that months ago. i mean, he is The Home Inspector afterall

word… my land lord is rileeddd up, im gonna have to go talk to the DA monday morning.

good plan

I put an add up in craigslist for the hell of it and already got someone interested haha, guy sounds sketchy as FUCK

Guess my apartment isn’t so bad after all… Good luck to you man, hope everything works out!

I want to see some pics of this place

Didnt you check the place out before you signed a lease/moved in?

Take pictures of EVERYTHING. Your locks, the sinkhole, everything. Get one of those bubble levelers and take a pic of it on the floor to show the slope. Do whatever you gotta do. If all else fails, light on fire. I know a guy who knows a guy who was in business with a guy’s sister who knows a guy that could help you out. My mom is also a property manager, so I can ask her some tips.