Getting out of a lease

Most leases have a clause in them that if you job requires you to relocate outside of 20miles from the place you can end the lease prematurely.

Have you boss write up a note and have it legalized.

problem solved

But you also gotta think about the type of landlord that he’s dealing with. I doubt he would’ve been courteous enough to include that clause.

Hes your typical scumbag landlord, bring in a better inspector and Im sure youll find a way out of this.

+1. Why’d you move into such a shit hole?

i emailed kevin the photos i took of his apartment i never hosted. i’ll put them up briefly.

kevins apartment is a DUMP

yea he tried to argue with me that it wasn’t HAHAHAHA

i remb. denial is the first stage lol

is that a hole?

floor caving in bathroom^^^


^^ dining table in living room with broken blinds and a/c that claims to be in working order is not.

yes dave, hole in between ceiling and wall. prolly where the mice and cockraoches come in

da fuck

u love it

Blinds and ac (as long as its not central air) really arent the landlord’s issue.
Blinds are like $10 and usually blinds and curtains are up to the tenant. Youre usually on your own for ac window units.

what about the door way thats built for hobbits and the hole in the floor/ wall. trust me paul this place is a dump

also get pics of the porch that is all sorts of fucked up

Yeah, that shits dumpy as fuck. The ac and blinds are minor though.

wow thats one ruogh apartment i dont even think i would wanna stand in that place…

That would be awesome man