Getting out of a lease

haha so get this… my room mates found someone to take my place. Thanks for all your help everyone

How much was your rent at that place? Congrats on getting out.

Thanks man! 265 + utilities

I learned my lesson on leases, I can tell you that much.

$265 X how many people?


Dude you can rent a real nice house for that kind of money, not some roach motel in the hood.

$1590 will get you a house in a nice area and it wont be falling down.

prly… hind sight is 20/20

Just pick up the paper next time. Ive seen houses for rent for less.

Yea but finding a house with 6 rooms for 1590 would be real tough. You can get 3 bedroom houses up this way for 1500, but 4,5, or 6 bedroom are real expensive for something nice 2500+ a month.