Getting out of Jury Duty

suck it up and deal with it like the rest us NYers. Shitty thing is when you call Sunday night you might not even be called in on Monday so you will have to call again Monday night and see if you are called Tuesday…etc…You are basically on call all week.

I would just ask an elderly guy in a nursing home to go in for you. Old retired guys love shit like this to do.

it should come with the system
If your on welfare, you get jury duty, simple as that.
It will stop people missing work, so they can pay you like crap.

If your on welfare they should put all of them in a little box and ship them off to the middle of nowhere, somewhere where my having a job doesn’t benefit you.

Okay Helen Keller

Be glad all you got was jury duty. I got hit 2 summers ago for Grand Jury which was 3 days a week for a month. But i wont lie I kinda had a good time. It made me feel alot better about myself after hearing how f-ed up some people are.

Wear some political clothing when you go.

i would have said pull the racist card…buuuuut…you said you didnt want to pull that…

i would say only pull the racist card if the guy is white lol…that’ll get the prosecutor thinking, and most likely you’ll walk…

if you end up going, I’ll see you there

and i also need to get out of it because i have my own court date a week later.

Last time I was called up for jury duty, during selection I started arguing with the judge on the power of the bench in regards to defining the letter of the law to jurors. I was dismissed shortly thereafter.

She (the judge) was an idiot…

tell them you believe the U.S. justice and political system is corrupt and run by the illuminati and freemasons who are striving to create a one world government…that should work


ok i was gonna say something regarding what i quoted, then i saw this new smiley over on the right hand side of my monitor. …and i forgot what i was going to say…

i had to report on monday for jury duty

turned out the case was a wrongful death via medical treatment deal … and my moms a nurse

they asked me if i knew any of the doctors named, i said i would probably recognize one or 2, which is true

they asked me if i had been privy to any conversations about medical treatment … which i have, moms gossip convos about this patient or that patient

they asked me if i could be impartial about the case, answer was no because i know what gets said to the patient, and ive seen what ACTUALLY gets said behind their backs

i was booted by 1230, because i told the TRUTH

glad your mom follows HIPPA :tup:

no, my moms just a loud phone talker, and all the conversations were simply informal conversations about various treatments with other nurses, doctors, surgeons ect

shes never had conversations about patients w/ anyone outside the circle of those that are actually involved in said medical care, therefor noones privacy was actually violated

I’m in the jury meeting room right now studying this thread :tup:

edit: i did not show up naked. now what?

best thing to get out is to know someone or something related to the case, in some way shape or form that would bias your opinion of the outcome.

No they should not do that! That would mean the most inept portion of society would be deciding the fate of our country. Lame. I already feel that 1/2 the judges in this country aren’t qualified to be in the position they are.

I really really hope that place is the bottom of the ocean.

Hippa is a load of shit. If someone tells someone you have something wrong with you who gives a shit. Last time I checked you can’t control many reasons you have to see a doctor. If someone knows about it, cry. OMG you have ED? HA

If you are not naked currently, hurry up and get naked!

Last time I got a notice for jury duty was years ago. I was summoned, called and resceduled, summoned again, called and this time the woman argued with me about it saying i can’t keep resceduling, told her i can’t just miss classes for this, and she told me she’ll take me off the list then. :rofl: