Seriously take your religion out of this for a minute. Be open minded if that is possible for you.
I was brought up in a home where my parents got divorced when I was 10. Guess what? Myself and my sister are doing just fine. Actually I was happy they divorced because all they did was argue. Now they are happier than ever with new partners.
I say do what makes you happy. If your in a marriage that has failed and nothing is going to make it work, end it. The kids will do just fine. How do I know this? Because most people I know come from divorced parents and yes, you guessed it, they too are doing just fine.
I will never get married and that is not a bad thing. If a child is brought into this world between two unmarried people, and they rights to that child are shared where he gets interaction with both mom and dad, how is there any harm there? He dosen’t know what a “religious” family is because he was never in one. He gets brought up and does just fine in life.
All you have Ilya is your opinion which is HEAVILY influenced by your religion. I can’t expect you to see it any other way but you need to lay off judging things you know only one side of.