GF owns guy on Acurazine

I judge people by their swagger and how fast they can run.


with luv

I’m a fatty. I don’t run, I walk fast.


Can you read? The kids wouldn’t have to live in two different homes, have two different ‘schedules’, etc. if people didn’t get divorced to begin with. WTF happened to “till death do us part”? Do Americans skip that part? Like being homosexual, it became an ‘okay thing’ to do as time progressed. That’s where my post about morals comes into play. Those words quoted above no longer mean anything. Marriage is just a word now, it has no meaning to most people. Oh I’m married. Yeah? Cool. It used to mean something, and that’s what I think me, Oleg, and maybe Krazy were getting at. If you don’t like my/our opinion…well…you can just deal with it. :rofl

I’m from a totally different culture/upbringing. The rate of divorce amongst the Christian slavic (eastern Europeans in case you don’t know who I’m referring to) peoples is a fraction of what the American % is. Hell, may even be less. Much lower than 50% that the rest of the nation is at. I’m sure I"ll be fine. Thank you for caring though. Unlike many people, when you make a commitment to someone and say words like ‘till death do us part’, I plan to hold to my end of the bargain. Can’t say the same for half of America.

Anyway, you’re extrapolating WAY more out of that post than you should have. You feel like he’s judging you, fine. But why? I’m not sure. Either way…knock yourself out. My parents, grand parents, and siblings have all been married for years and divorce never even crossed their mind. Hell, many old timers (born in the early 1900’s) are/were together till they died (I’m sure this includes most if not all grand parents of every member on this forum). What’s changed since you ask? Oh I know! Morals. People ain’t got em. They just wanna bang and move on to the next one and if a kid(s) pops out along the way, to hell with em. Some dads disappear. Some marry the girls because of the kid and then get divorced because neither of them really wanted marriage to begin with, etc. etc. It’s all a crock of shit. Keep it in your pants and only have kids with people you truly care about and would live the rest of your life with. You know, be “old fashioned”. At least that’s my opinion.

Yes, I can’t really say much on this subject other than from what I encounter when I hear the constant drama (and drain on the kids) from people at work. But if you think you calling me ignorant is going to make me change my OPINION (keyword), well, you have another thing coming. You’re a noob on Shift518. Let me fill you in on something. It’s a well known fact here that I don’t care what people think. It’s also a well known fact that I’m probably number 3 on the “Shift518 most hated list” (behind Travis and that kid that banged his sister or whatever). I think divorce is a f’ed up thing. And I also happen to think that the people who resort to it because they don’t care enough to work out some issue are weak people who just give up at the first sign of trouble. Do you like my opinion? Probably not. But guess what? I couldn’t care less. Do it your way, I’ll do it mine. More power to you.

Have a great day :). I will not be posting on this topic any further.

I was never divorced… But am a single parent… And if you don’t like the way people in the USA do business, I hope your country lets you back in… Cause you came to us… Deal with it :lmao

I only run when I have too… Like from the border police :ahh

And a scumbag father because of it.

i just read the post and wow, sucks to be that guy. and holy shit over 90 pages and it was posted in the beginning of the month

LOL, I guess so. I’ll bet ya $50 none of them would say it to my face, though.

Do I get the $50 if I do?

Well… I suppose. I don’t really have $50 anyhow.

Not really narrow minded, my statement was a quick generalization, only adding my 2 cents to a comment already made, I just took it a step further. I have a big thing in life against people that “fit the profile”; unemployed people who dont try because their neighbor gets away with it so why cant they, younger kids that fuck up just because they can and know they will get away with it, and it translates to peoples cars too when they do cookie cutter shit because its the easy way out. Look around, everything was created because someone thought differently than the last guy and made a mark in time. Lead the race or get the fuck out of the way.

Weddings are expensive, but the paper work isnt. not to mention the monetary gains in the long run by getting married will pay for the papers in that years tax return. Dont party like a rock star and anyone can do it. And again %50 fail at it because they “fit the profile”… so once again lead the race or move aside.

Easy partner. :ahh Just because I didnt reproduce yet doesn’t mean I dont see whats going on, or what the deal is about. You know the shit that Steff and her sister went through because the parents couldn’t hack it together. I know about 15 people from my class alone that had kids and didn’t handle it as well as you did/can for example. I only know about 2 that are doing as well as yourself and will make the righe decisions as they come up. My statement also had more meaning behind it than I took the time to type out initially. I feel the same way about the opposite situation, dont just get married because your having a child and thats what society says is right. Do it because you feel whole heartedly that it IS right for you both. “Death do us part” doesn’t mean shit to people anymore it seems. So more respect to the people that dont need to go down that path yet still live a good life and raise another human just the same.

Again, it was foolish to just throw 40 words out there without any more depth your right. I do have first real world experience, even though they aren’t mine. Steff worked in labor and delivery for a while. The stories she came home with DAILY will blow your mind. The youngest mom she delivered for was 14. 15 year olds that needed dr’s notes to get out of school to have a baby. Underage girls having a baby with A: no daddy present &/or B: No parent present or C: or alone. She had to kick out belligerent daddy’s from the room because they are disgraceful people. People who are dressed to the hills in blinged out roca wear shit, yet ask the dr about how they can get government assistance for the kid, dr’s aren’t social worker! Literally every day she has an example of “fitting the profile” I based my statements off. ALSO, she comes home with very good stories. Young couples that look like they can handle it, married or not. Its like a mechanic looking at a used car, anyone in the business can see a train wreck coming within the first 15 minutes of seeing it. SURE there are ones where your thinking it’s a total dumper initially and get flabbergasted when it turns out not to be true… but more times than not it doent work like that.

Its as simple as do things right and you cant be faulted. If people strive to work your way out of “fitting the profile” and succeed I applaud you more than you will ever know.

Shut up.


After the text you sent me I though for sure you were going to rip me a new asshole and all I get is that.

go rub some bondo on your truck and stop wasting time on shift.

Seriously take your religion out of this for a minute. Be open minded if that is possible for you.

I was brought up in a home where my parents got divorced when I was 10. Guess what? Myself and my sister are doing just fine. Actually I was happy they divorced because all they did was argue. Now they are happier than ever with new partners.

I say do what makes you happy. If your in a marriage that has failed and nothing is going to make it work, end it. The kids will do just fine. How do I know this? Because most people I know come from divorced parents and yes, you guessed it, they too are doing just fine.

I will never get married and that is not a bad thing. If a child is brought into this world between two unmarried people, and they rights to that child are shared where he gets interaction with both mom and dad, how is there any harm there? He dosen’t know what a “religious” family is because he was never in one. He gets brought up and does just fine in life.

All you have Ilya is your opinion which is HEAVILY influenced by your religion. I can’t expect you to see it any other way but you need to lay off judging things you know only one side of.

I would have to agree to partially to what your saying. The part that i dissaprove of is, if your parents chose too stick it out and even though it would have been like hell for them it would have been much much better for you and your sister growing up. I say this because at that point in time maybe your prespective of a relationship with a life time partner would have been much different. See how your saying you would never like to get married well this could be a problem because off the get you don’t believe in marriage. THis is only due to what you have previously experinced in your own household but the fact of the matter is what about the thousands of families who have been brought up in a household with no divorce’s? so you see there is always a possibilty for you to have a great marriage not saying it will be easy. But the hope and faith should be there.

The next thing is that a child that is in between to unmarried people can be very harmful . And heres my reason, at a point in time when there is no mutual relationship between one and another and there is no bond holding you 2 together , either mom or dad can just get up and walk out. THis will have a strong effect on kids. In their future they will think this is the right way when its not . And neither is it setting a good example for them. Its proven bro.