Wasn’t the Property tax 40% under the previous County Exec? I am not sure about this, heard it on Shredd and Ragan.
Yes and Giambra cut taxes WITHOUT CUTTING SPENDING.
I am telling you these people failed second grade math!!!
the only option i see having any effect is moving.
edit: out of state
I’m so glad I moved out of state
add this in with the 71% natural gas hike this winter.
the shit continues. buffalo needs to realize if they want to keep young professionals like many of us in the area, they need to stop making it so hard for us to live in the area. it’s not like I’m here for the stellar weather or awesome sports teams. :lol:
the food helps though. :shrug:
actually with their figure of $700 for $100K property value per year that works out to be about $60/month your paying in taxes to erie county. a mortgage payment for property at that value would be a good $800/mo. so thats about 1/13th of your mortgage payment.
let me remind you that albany pays much more to their employees than erie does for workers doing the same jobs. infact the state legislators get a “daily allowance” above and beyond their pay to cover things like gas and food. this “allowance” works out to be more a year than the average income for a family in buffalo.
yet again im not sticking up for giambra or erie county but the reason for the 50% increase is because of albany. eventh0 erie county still needs to cut alot of fat…they are spending less to run the govt than they were a few years ago. the bloated local govts have been in existance long b4 we were born so this isnt a new thing.
I agree that the state is way out of wack too, I am just saying that Erie county could save millions. We are getting screwed at all levels.
Edit: Again, make no mistake it is a 55% INCREASE.
I just want people to be clear on this because Giambra said 25% & 24% making it sound less painful but in the end it equals 55%.
Correct. It is 24% of (current tax + (current tax *.25))
Wow I’m glad I don’t live there anymore.
Oh wait, I pay $25k a year for property tax.
I don’t totally buy the whole, blame Albany arguement. This is like the commercials that were run around here blaming our financial problems on a stadium being built in NYC. Its scapegoating.
No one is going to sit here and tell me that Buffalo and Erie county are not totally fucked.
I don’t know why our officials seem to be getting it all wrong. They can’t get their shit straight with a casino, the whole twin span, suspension bridge dibacle went no where, is Pro Bass actually happening?, I’ve heard questions about that. Our elected officals are a bunch of greedy assholes who will let nothing happen in Buffalo until their pockets are lined. Then as the county goes in the shitter because they can’t do anything right, they think the only solution is to tax us more. We already have some of the highest property and sales taxes in the country and still this city is fucking dump!! Its infuriating!!
i think your misunderstanding what im saying. buffalo and erie county have been fucked for 50 years (sinse the opening of the st lawrence seaway). the govt has been growing in size while the areas population dwindles. the politicians are crooks and cant get anything positive accomplished in this area. i agree with all of that.
now that were past that, lemmie explain what i mean. albany isnt to blame for the areas corrupt and disfunctional political system. but what i am saying is they are the main reason for this particular tax increase. erie county was taxing us to death long b4 this “crisis” hit. the county itself is actually spending less than they were b4 to deal with the increase in the states bill. granted they need to cut the spending alot more…but this particular tax increase spawned because of the guys in albany.
the funny thing is when Gorski was in office property taxes were about 20-25% higher than tthey are now
lmao preech it brother
thats a 13th a month added on
you dont want me to tell you what the mortgage and taxes are on a 500k property.
its a bill i am glad to be rid of.
Thanks man. I just did the math to confirm this. 55% indeed. Good thing I rent.
Originally Posted by RobHimself
Homeowner or not this is gonna end up fucking everyone in the ass. Do you think my landlord is going to say oh my property taxes went up guess ill just have to eat those costs? fuck no! rent is going up as much as his taxes. Thanks giambra and every other county exec that got us in this freakin mess.
Just lovely.
FUCK NEW YORK!!! Thats all I gotta fucking say. god damnit omg wtf :lol: