Giant iPod Touch...iPad

it’s very clear that you still don’t understand the point of this device.

this is probably true.

This is why you don’t bet against apple. Doesn’t mean you can’t make the argument that their products blow.

Is the pet rock a great product?

it’s no different than BMW cars. Just because tons of people buy them because of the image doesn’t meant it can’t also be the best for features, driving experience, value.

(and don’t make this a thread about your opinion of BMW)

Apple makes things like this so people like boardjnky have something to bitch about…

People hated on the original Macs…People hated on the iPod…People hated on the iPhone…

Those all failed horribly oh wait they didn’t


I normally don’t pay much attention to these hyped up devices. I’ve become a bit of a phone nerd lately, but that is about the extent of it. It’s mostly due to the fact that I’ve been interested in athe Android project ever since I heard that it would be linux based. It’s the same reason why I try and stay away from It’s just a bunch of hype articles with giant letdowns on the other side. I didn’t pay one bit of attention to this until I was bored and watching the engadget live blog. I posted here because you actually get more intelligent conversations here than in the engadget comments.

I am done arguing about it, we all have our opinions and are entitled to them.

So its like a spork? It can do more than an iphone/itouch, but not as much as a real computer and excels at nothing. That’s what I’m getting from all this :gotme:

The line of thought I don’t get out of Apple hippies is that for everything but computers, the Apple device is the best product because it sells great. For computers, where Apple gets its ass handed to it, Windows is not the best product even though it dominates the market.

You can’t argue both ways. Either judge your product on market share, in which Mac OS <<<<<< Windows, or on value, in which case everything they make is inferior. It’s one or the other.

… So does anyone here actually plan on buying one of these things?

sure you can argue it both ways because people buy things for different reason - there is more than one type of user.

I don’t buy apple products for the hype. I buy them because they are the best product that meets my needs. Plus I love the flawless integration between all of their devices. I can get PCs with random software to sort of integrate sometimes, but the apple stuff all works great out of the box and just keeps getting better.

Any product that can literally piss off this many people must be awesome.

It humors me how pissed off some of you get at the mere mention of apple. I really don’t get it.

I think most of motorola’s products suck, but I wouldn’t get mad about it. It wouldn’t even phase me. It wouldn’t even come across as something I would want to have a conversation about.

As long as Apple can keep pissing off as many people as they seem to do, and can cause this much fuss when they release a product, they will be madly successful.

Yugo pissed off a whole bunch of people. How’d that work out?

People get pissed off at Apple because they can put out an inferior product at a more expensive price and be successful due to brainwashing. It defies capitalism.

This is the exact problem everyone is having with this device. What exactly is the point of this device? It’s basically an over priced, less capable netbook. And the only legitimate answer given yet is that it’s aimed at people who are less computer savvy. I think everyone here except the few Apple humpers are in agreement…how can you justify paying 3 times as much for not as much just for ease of use?


My mother has a netbook and loves it…She couldn’t replace it with an iPad though, no webcam. Whammy, sorry ma

3 times as much?

There is a $200 touch screen netbook?

Hell a fucking kindle is $250

I don’t think any touchscreen netbooks exist lol

I can’t wait to order one :slight_smile:

64GB iPad is $699

80GB HP netbook at BestBuy is $240

no touchscreen…not worth $459 for that option.

edit: just realized the HP netbook is refurbished…but I did just find an Acer netbook on Amazon with 160GB for $260. I can’t even find a netbook that cost as much as the iPad.

The purpose of a device like this should be pretty clear.

A large majority of computer users only use their computer for a small number of tasks.

Email, Web Browsing, Photos, Music, Movies, TV Shows, Contacts, Calendar, Bookmarks, etc.

Why should the only option be to either have a fully functional computer that does 10000 other things, or to have a iPhone that does a lot, but not everything, and not in a way where it makes it easy all of the time.

This device offers 99% of what these users want in a package that is simpler, more convenient, intuitive, cheaper and seamless than even a netbook, which was previously the device filling this void in the market. Netbooks were just Micro-notebooks, but functionally were the same things. They offered no distinct advantages to this market other than being smaller.

It’s going to be next to impossible to fuck something up on this, which is a huge fear of many, many computer users, especially older users.

Its the old “Keep it simple, stupid” philosophy. Its the same reason 37Signals has had so much success with their software. They took something that is generally judged with a feature list and made it simple, easy and focused.

It is not for EVERYBODY, obviously. It’s not going to be a primary machine for anyone who has needs beyond those outlined above, but it could still complement those who do have a good primary computer.

It’s not perfect. We know that. But that doesnt mean it’s not a great product. Besides, they had to leave people wanting more for the next release, it creates anticipation.

My strategic management professor’s opinion last semester was that apple should get out of the PC market.

And LOL at anyone thinking that a device with no keyboard and a crippled OS being a computer substitute.

It’s a neat device, but it’s its own animal. Nobody that is technophobic enough to not be able to handle a PC is going to put up with a device without a keyboard. Shit my inlaws sit on the couch with their netbooks and wireless mice on the couch arms because using the damn track pad is too hard.

This thing is geeks only. It’s cool. I honestly do want one for the “neat-factor” but it’s not a substitute for a computer.

LOL @ a PC substitute for technologically challenged people that you can’t connect a DIGITAL CAMERA to with the cable that the camera came with. :cjerk: