I hate being the booty call
Yeah, I’m sure he read all that, but you also need to understand that our people are quite used to that kind of behavior after seven+ years of it…
It’s obviously going to take a little time for our people to realize that the rules are different here and I think you need to make some exceptions at least for the first couple of weeks or so…
This shit was MILD compared to the usual dialog seen on Pittspeed…that really has been the board’s signature all along…the severity with which people ripped on each other…you can’t expect that to just disappear overnight now can you?
I guess our people need to learn that: If we see non-Pittspeed people in the thread, then we are in a network thread and the rules are different. I’m not sure everyone understands that just yet…I didn’t realize it at first myself.
Cut Cheeks a break and give him a limited suspension…
thats what u permabanned him for. jesus christ its the fucking internet. he is just fucking with u. u need to take your tampon out and get a life.
We understand your point man. I’ll talk to him and Bing. We’re all adults here.
well Bings only stating the facts and doing his job. no need to attack. you dont like it dont post its simple really. im sure after a few days blow over things people will have a better understanding about how things are and will e its hard on all ends to adjust to this type of change and things can get out of hand so the mods and admins do there part to keep the boards clean if that means banning some one so be it, obviously there has to be a reason or a history or reasons to do so.
something to think about, you guys bought DRAMASPEED, pittspeed died about 5 yrs ago. It has turned into a ragfest so you might as well just abandon Pittspeed now as if this isnt going to change for majority of the members. If bans are handed out youll lose personal and this will become wasted bandwidth
so you either take us all as one or none, if you ban cheeks might as well ban all of us!!!
Wait so why did this dude get banned???
Oh wait… That Never Happened.
:picard: :fail: :picard: :fail: :picard: :fail: :picard: :fail:
wow…it’s the internet… i mean, unless what he was doing would get someone arrested or start an international incident, i just don’t really see what is sooo bad… it’s ball busting… insult him back. you guys sounds like a bunch of whiny pussies who are going to take their website and go home. shit it’s the people who bust each others balls that end up becoming best of friends.
thats not the case on nyspeed. lol
i dont think it was the busting of the balls that got him temp banned i think it was the fact he was in the network announcements which is viewed by the public and was being insulting towards the admins and moderators along with the other members. ball busting is ok in my books but theres a place for it we call it off topic.
heres an idea since no one really pays an attention to where a post is bumped. Make all network sections MUST CLICK sections. This way when clicking on new posts you dont view networking posts. Chances are most of pittspeed members wont view shit of NYspeed or its family sites. The site was sold without telling its members ahead of time so its all new to pittspeed.
Pretty much spot on. A warning was given twice, he failed to heed it. You can defend your buddy all you want but he didn’t listen and his permissions changed. He is not the first and will probably not be the last. Maybe once things settle in someone will give him network wide permissions again, but as it stands now, PittSpeed is exactly the same board as it was a couple of days ago to him. He can still post and read threads, just not on the network sections. I have a feeling that he could even click the NYSpeed button and post in the off topic section there. Whatever, he just can not post in certain areas.
Blame Canada!
wahhh, i’m gonna take my website and go home…
It’s not my website though…
thats how it seems. Like other members have said over the years. The plug should of been pulled years ago but now we have new leaders with new rules. Shit wont fly, new local board will probably form here in near future