Glock owners, check this out

![ gun.jpg]( gun.jpg)

Hollow point FTW! I still have some talons around somewhere from b4 the ban.

Prefer weaver or a frame stance?

Ranger SXT are about the same as Black Talons.

Isosceles. Allows better weapon control.

Although, most of the time it’s going to be a one hand close retention.

Never tried em,what about the grain?

They apparently renamed these to the Ranger “T”.

WOW! Great find justin! I never knew nor heard of that b4

Gotta know these things! :smiley:

I wouldn’t recommend any of the +P+ listed there in any Glock, though.

Im a big fan of the federal hyrda-shok. Which is whats in the gun.

definately nothing new in that story

“G” Lock > *

Sig not far behind…just more sensitive to cleanliness

At one point I owned over 30 guns. I’m down to less than 20 now. :frowning: My dad was a city cop (retired as LT) for 33 years and was a gun enthusiast as well, so he had me shooting at a pretty young age too.

Not trying to engage in a pissing contest, just giving a little background that I’ve played with quite a few firearms. I apologize if I sound like a dickhead. heh

In my experience, Sig and Glock are the finest performing pistols out there. I’ve honestly never seen a malfunction in either brand that wasn’t caused by limp wristing or shitty reloaded ammo. My first generation Glock 17 has only malfunctioned 3 times ever- once when my wife fired it, and twice when her friend fired it (both couldn’t maintain wrist control). I don’t believe that my Dad’s P226 has EVER jammed; and I know my buddy’s two Sigs have performed the same.

On the other hand, I have seen various malfunctions in 1911s, H&Ks, Rugers, S&Ws, and other lesser brands as well. I honestly don’t have much experience with the XD series, but from what I’ve seen they look very decent.

Between Glock and Sig, it’s a matter of personal preference. Most of my buddy’s prefer the Sig feel; I prefer the Glock trigger and I’m much more accurate with it as it’s what I’m used to.

That said, when I lived in the city and carried daily I trusted my life with a 2" barrel .357 magnum Taurus M605. To use Pittspeed lingo, revolver > *

That being said, I agree with most of what you say except using a Taurus for anything but driving a nail or as a doorstop. I have seen and had too many things puke on Taurus products.

  1. I had a Taurus 617 7-shot 357 revolver that malfunctioned so badly that it went back three times and I didn’t trust it to save my life. It was so bad that I should have hacksawed it in half so some poor guy that needed a revolver to save his life didn’t buy this hunk of shit and get killed trying to protect his family.

  2. Had a Taurus PT111 that did some strange shit numerous times…sold too.

  3. My 3rd, 2nd and 1st Generation G17s have NEVER malfunctioned. Ever.

…and so much other crap I can’t remember right now.

I just happen to like Glock, but any weapon you choose is a great choice if you like it, it’s accurate and reliable and you can control it.

This hogwash about spontaneous Glock firing is the kind of thing I’ve seen and heard about older police officers that had double action revolvers that never learned to keep their finger off the trigger until ready to fire the weapon and have the weapon on target.

my glock 17 and my s&w sigma series are almost identical except for the trigger

either way
hey i know all about that

JackdUp- Taurus revolvers are basically the same thing as Smith and Wesson revolvers; I can’t remember the specifics, but Taurus actually bought out and owned Smith and Wesson for quite some time, and stole all of their designs and even their tooling. I’m really suprised that you had problems with a Taurus revolver. That’s the first I’ve ever heard of someone having issues with a Taurus revolver.

Taurus semi-autos are another story all together. I also had a PT111 that constantly malfunctioned. Taurus semi-autos are iffy at best, with the exception of their Beretta 92 series knock offs which seem pretty decent. Note that I didn’t mention Taurus when discussing quality pistols, only revolvers.

…keep in mind that when I was carrying the M605, I also had 2 S&W 2" barrel Model 60s (one with wood and one with rubber grips), a 4" barrel S&W M10, a 3" barrel S&W M65 .357 magnum, and a 4" M66 .357 magnum (with a fancy S&W performance center trigger). The M605 is the only Taurus revolver I’ve ever owned, but I honestly can’t feel any different in quality between the Taurus and my S&Ws; if anything, I think the M605 feels a little nicer than the M60s.

I must have just gotten a bad one then!

couldn’t agee more…

Just like life, a little common sense goes a long way…

Exactly, damaged or modified. Not sure if the newer ones ship with the same bokklet or not, but when I bought my dad his Glock, the manual said to change the springs every 2000 rounds. The other big problem is half assed reloads.

I don’t go anywhere without my Kel-Tec. And in having it over 2 years, it has a a total of 3 jams, all with in the first 100 rounds, all with older off brand, cheap gun show ammo. Since that time I have shot magtech for practice, and speep gold dot, or handloads for protection. Without any problems at all. But I will say, these guns like to be clean, and very, very litlle lube come a LONG way…

At last count our collection housed about 8 Taurus’, both revolvers and semis. The only problem we have had, was my wife was at the range doing some target shooting, and the take down pin broke on her PT111. Really have had no issues with jams or misfires at all. But then I know people that have had no problems with Hi-point either, not myself, but I do know one guy.

I love my single action 1911s. As for H&K being “lesser” than Glock…hahaha.

Although I have no plans to buy one, I don’t have a problem with Glocks. However they are not “safer” than other guns and I don’t like when people try to say they are. The operator is what makes a gun safe. I can carry with one in the chamber in my SA 1911 and the hammer forward. That gun can’t be fired with the hammer forward, period.

Again, the Glock is not unsafe, but by no means is it safer than any other gun. I won’t get into a pissing match about accidents that occur with Glocks, because I don’t care. But an operator that thinks his gun is very safe is the most dangerous element of all.