meh. if a car almost killed me on my motorcycle, i’d feel justified damaging their car…
I only wigged once really and it was when I had my old ninja. Some lady in a minivan FLEW past me in a 35mph zone, CUTS in front of me with mere feet between us, then gets BACK into the other lane a second later and we both stopped at a red light side by side. I called her a bitch, soccer mom…can’t really remember exactly but I know I gave it to her pretty good. har har har
And as far as gloves I wear Icon superduty. I got hard knuckle gloves but never wear them.
god that is THE WORST
on my way back from the beach on monday some dude pulled out of a driveway on rt. 5 and i almost t boned him. luckily i swerved out of the way in time. he then pulls up next to me on 5, keeps pace and fucking glares at me. im fucking yelling at this fucking dirty spic wtf are you looking at. then he just keeps going. HE pulled out in front of ME and now he’s pissed? wtf is that shit
oh and op… that is some srs road rash shit y0
you fucking rule, took the post right out of my fingertips
Just carry a bag of marbles in your pocket for people that cut you off.
One, Two, or five over the shoulder at 40-50 mph should do the trick.
i’ve only given the middle finger really hard at people inches from their window. punching a car is really hardcore.
i never thought i’d get used to people almost killing me daily, but it really doesn’t phase me anymore. i just swerve out of the way, give some gesture to show my annoyance and give them super dirty looks if we catch a light together.
EDIT: you being the super anti-squid that you are, what do you constitute as full gear when you are on your way to work?
If my lack of attention cause you to get sandwiched in between 2 cars at 60 MPH you may punch my truck.
Shit, I’ve even punched dents into my own truck
^badass, i punch my own cars all the time
I’ve been lucky so far, no problems with cars at all. Oh except this past weekend ridind down the 219 and some asshat must have been doing 100+ ran up on my ass, he slowed down about 2 feet from my rear tire, 87fox gave him some nice gestures lol
I havn’t punched a car…but i’ve given loving window taps…
Or I just move out of the way and go on with my day. If you ride a bike people are going to almost kill you all the time.
You get used to it pretty fast…and not start threads about it squid.
Skittles…I need Skittles…
There ya go. Just stick some velcro to the box, and put them on your luxury DASHBOARD for when you need them lol.
people suck.
sure you would have. :cjerk:
p.s.- Vehicular manslaughter
side note to the OP- :tup: too bad you didnt break the window.
or rocks. they are both pretty effective.
A couple lead fishing sinkers in your pocket are good for when you need to get your point across.
:tdown: to idiots in their cars who don’t know how to share the roadways and ignorant pricks on internet forums that always think it’s the bikers fault.
Jealous ??? lol I could keep them next to my cup of coffee.
you get the air conditioning on your bike fixed yet?
a few years ago in my “wilder” days (lol) i shattered an suv’s mirror off in traffic after they made a right on red and nearly ended my life.
same summer, heading out to letchworth with a few other bikes on 20a a new bmw was tailgating us pretty hard and there was a line of traffic ahead so we just stayed in line, well after a few minutes of hard tailgating from the bmw I emptied my pocket change on his hood and seconds after he decided to swerve violently over and pass easily 6-8 cars on a hill and nearly hit someone head on.
shit happens, i have hours of stories from the past 5 summers