Glued to toilet seat :crap:


that’s great.

If it’s not their fault, then fuck you, don’t sue.

You greedy fuck. If you were having a heart attack in brooklyn, I’m pretty sure no one is going to help you either. Are you going to sue Brooklyn?

You fucking douchebag, go have another heart attack.


“This is not Home Depot’s fault,” Dougherty said

case over :gotme:

this guys is apparently a crybaby, because he says he was only stuck to the shitter for 15 minutes, but referes to it as being allowed “to rot” on the seat by store employes

“Paramedics unbolted the toilet seat, and Dougherty, “frightened and humiliated,” passed out as they wheeled him out of the store”

What a fucktard. He passed out. I dont even know what to say to this idiot. but :tup: to the guy who put the glue on the seat, that is hillarious but ever so mean :evil:

ouch, that would make a great “owned” pic. :mamoru:

Hovering is the key!!! But seriously, I am very confident that I would notice anything glue-like on my seat anyways before sitting.

(and I cover it with tp anyways)

THATS a damned good point…


I hate system sucking scumbags.

i would have run in and stole the tp from him :slight_smile:

he couldn’t wipe anyways…

It would have been better to saran wrap the toilet then glue his dumbass to it… this way he can’t get up when he shits all over himself.



where the pic of the toilet that got saran wrapped, and someone tried to puke in the toilet …

“This is not Home Depot’s fault,” Dougherty said. “But I am blaming them for letting me hang in there and just ignoring me.”

“This is not Home Depots fault, but they have deep pockets and some stupid fucking jury will probably give me money anyway, or if I’m really lucky Home Depot will just give me some money to go away”.

Man, stuff like this gets me so pissed. Home Depot should be able to go after this guy for everything he has, and everything his kids have, and everything their kids have to recover every cent they lose from bad publicity and court costs. If that was legal fuckwads like him wouldn’t dare bring stupid shit like this to court. /rant

And who the hell sits down on a public toilet without so much as looking at the seat!?!? I mean, if he was really stuck we’re not talking about a couple drops of glue, the whole seat must have been covered. He probably did it himself like the Wendy’s finger lady.

i read this at work…my friend and i could not stop laughing about it…

a lot of the quotes were sooo great

These people that sue everyone are just ruining it for the rest of us. (besides lawyers)

Bahahaha thats a good one :lol: i like to put saran wrap on it:lol:

i can’t stop watching the gif

:word: I was thinking the same thing.

“Paramedics unbolted the toilet seat, and Dougherty, “frightened and humiliated,” passed out as they wheeled him out of the store”

thats so dumb. he passed out because he was humiliated then, but now its ok for the whole country to know that his ass was glued to the seat
+1vote for he did it him self, superglue dries pretty quick
i bet he thought he could sue someone to help pay for his heart bypass surgery he had