I love the useless strike just so the union heads can say they tried everything.
You might not want to take that for granted. How long do you think a company can last while operating at a 10 figure annual loss?
GM, your new govt transportation agency?
Are you kidding? I’m under worked and overpaid!!!
I don’t know if you are kidding with this statement, but that’s exactly the point.
The reason that foreign countries can produce labor at a much lower cost is that the general standard of living is lower in the areas of these countries that production happens. We can’t expect to continue to have the comforts that we do (we = the US uneducated workforce, specifically in the world market) and survive. It sucks to see the greedy union workers put the shaft to GM, or any similar company. I wish they would all get fired, and replaced//brought back at $14-$17 per hour, just like what happened at Delphi, without the buyout and on a larger scale.
To the employees that appreciate what they’re getting:tup: Good for you, you got lucky, and I’m happy for you. For the rest of the bastards that think the world, and GM owes them something :2fingers:, I hope the next GM truck I buy is $6000 cheaper because your ass is at home without a job.
I cant find a technician job (job using my skills electrical/mechanical/ect) for more than $20hr. …and assemblers get $28hr. No wonder they’re in rough shape.
the thing is, if the planets alighned and GM cut stateside overhead labor by 50% tomorrow through whatever mystical means required, the price of your truck will not
change much. you don’t charge customers cost +, you charge what the market will bear.
it would be nice to think that tose added profits would be reinvested into the company, but i doubt that too.
They just need all of their retired employees to die. :tup: Yep, I said it.
the thing is, if the planets alighned and GM cut stateside overhead labor by 50% tomorrow through whatever mystical means required, the price of your truck will not
change much. you don’t charge customers cost +, you charge what the market will bear.
it would be nice to think that tose added profits would be reinvested into the company, but i doubt that too.
or maybe we could nix the unfair taxes on the imported goods. then dropping their price, and then domestics would have to drop the prices as well. oh look, and now your dollar goes a little farther, and you wont need to pay a high school drop out, or douche nozzle with a GED 28 and hour for mindless work.
we tax imports to raise their prices so you can pay our workers more. its :bloated: we are just making the dollar even more worthless.
the thing is, if the planets alighned and GM cut stateside overhead labor by 50% tomorrow through whatever mystical means required, the price of your truck will not
change much. you don’t charge customers cost +, you charge what the market will bear.
it would be nice to think that tose added profits would be reinvested into the company, but i doubt that too.
^ true.
However, you would likely see a better quality vehicle for the same ammount of money. GM’s efforts can shift to areas of the manufacturing process that are lacking (i.e. engineering, material selection) . They can’t do this now because they are ‘forced’ to pay their union rates and have to make cuts other places.
The majority (if not all) of GM’s Designers and Engineers are not part of any union. When they have to make budget cuts and can’t lower the union wages, Experienced Designers/Engineers are either layed-off or replaced by those who are less experienced and require a cheaper starting wage.
For GM to be a sucessful company 10 years (maybe even 5 years) from now, they need to shift thier budgets to producing a better quality product…not having a vehicle where the majority of the money went to assembly to snap together.
To be competative with the same vehicle pricing structure, the money needs to shift from overpaid unions to R&D.
To be competative with the same vehicle pricing structure, the money needs to shift from overpaid unions to R&D.
The markets & consumers have been calling for this since the late 90’s.
The majority (if not all) of GM’s Designers and Engineers are not part of any union. When they have to make budget cuts and can’t lower the union wages, Experienced Designers/Engineers are either layed-off or replaced by those who are less experienced and require a cheaper starting wage.
so true
josh, thats a horrible truth.
my uncle who works at ford and i had a “discussion” about this. he blames R&D for the crappy cars… he couldn’t understand that they had to design a crappy car that they could afford to pay the unions to build.
R&D justification is tough to sell as its a long term solution.
the way i see it, you take the engineering expenses and salaries and subtract
that from the new product revenues.
thats the penny pincher CEO approach.
makes it difficult to do anything long term.
OK check this out, GM stock shot up 9% yesterday.
I want to know if any union members bought stock in the last week.
Would that be illegal?
No they would demand a raise for all their hard work that increased the value of the company’s stock. :lol: