GMAC/VehicleOne Warranty

I picked this up with my used car and covers everything except normal wear and tear like clutch, tires, brakes, etc.

$50 deductable and good for 5 years/100,000 miles on the vehicle.

Anyone ever pick this up or ever use it? I have the option to cancel it but only was able to purchase this one when I got the car. It was an extra $20 a month.

You got the Premium coverage correct? How many months is your loan?
Good coverage for the money. What dealer did you get it from?
Owned by the same people as GMPP, but created to provide a more affordable coverage for non-GM and GM used vehicles.
Claims can be processed at any repair shop for the most part.

I would be interested to hear if anyone else has any input since I am a bit biased.

Edit: by the way it is a service contract not a warranty. You can not sell a warranty on a car techniqually

Ya. I was eligible for the premium coverage. my car only has 35k miles and the coverage is 5 years/100,000 miles which is the length of my loan.

I got it from Don Davis. I just am curious if anyone has used it. It looks great on paper but wondering when it comes to repair shops, is it easy to use it.

It was only an extra $29 a month and when I dropped geicos roadside assistance and rental vehicle coverage it brought it to about $20 a month total.

I had one on my Saab.
Worked great, had a repair done at both and independent shop and a Saab dealer.

As with any service contract, mods that effect parts that break can cause issues. I had no issues but I am just saying.
Read your contract, it is worth knowing all the details of what you are paying for.

Ya I might hold on to it for the time being or see if they let me keep it with modified parts. For example, if I modify my cat back and it falls off, I can understand they wouldn’t cover a new exhaust system.

The first things I want to do add a iPod adapter to the stereo, tint the windows, and hook up my subs and amp to the deck which I don’t see voiding anything.

$1700 for 5yr/100k warranty, not bad if its bumper to bumper which it sounds like :tup:

Ya pretty much. That was my math that $1700 I would spend on repairing SOMETHING over the next 5 years.

be careful, a lot of times making a mod like exhaust will void your whole drivetrain out.

I would keep it and you can always pro rata cancel the thing once you start doing major mods.

Remember the money will go to the bank if you cancel the thing.

good point. i might call them and say that if i modify the exhaust pipe from the cat back this summer, will it void the whole package or just the exhaust aspect of it.

Its rolled into my loan to keep it simple. If I cancel it, it will just lower my monthly payment and GMAC did confirm that I can cancel it at anytime.

Has anyone actually used it at a shop? Was it a PITA to find one that took the plan or is it a in and out process? On paper it looks like a great plan. Walk in and any covered repair is $50 deductable and the shop handles the paper work to get the GMAC payment. I just worry that some shops might turn me away becuase it might be too much effort for them to actually be paid.

not worth it on this car. I’m looking at the value of the car vs. cost of this coverage vs. odds something worth more than $1500 will fail over the next couple years. If you’d purchased a used porsche 911 then it’s totally different.

What do you mean?

$1500 that I am paying covers me for 5 years and up to 100,000 miles and only costs me out of pocket $50 to get something repaired. You don’t think that over 5 years I wont have 1500 dollars worth of stuff break?

you won’t own this car in 2 years… you won’t break anything worth more than a few hundred dollars, etc etc etc…

I still am not following you.

I am paying the loan for 5 years and the plan is costing me 20/month extra on my loan.

I will still have the car so that is why i am confused about.

we’ll see in two years what happens I guess… I just set an outlook reminder linking to this thread for 1/8/2011

Haha ya. I think I see what you are getting at but my thinking is that I am not currently planning on paying off the loan early and keeping the car for 5 years but hey, a lot can happen in 2 years.

If he dumps it in 2 years, he can cancel it and probably get about half his money back

I know on some service agreements if you don’t use them or sell the car early you can get money back based on a pro-rated rate for the time you used and how many claims you made.

That would be pretty sweet. The contract says they pro rate cancelations. Its like, I want something to break so I can use it but I don’t want anything to break. Lol.

maybe if i get desperate for money u can buy my gift certificate for 100$ lol