Gm's in the 9's for pocket change [split]


wichie your GF is the devil

yes with my bitchtits in it its still driveable!


I dont want to know anything about you, i busted balls back and you jump to personal shit. Someone says something back again, and you cry some more. Im all about meeting new people, making friends, learning new things about all types and forms of cars. Even said id enjoy racing you and shake your hand regardless of outcome just to have a good time and you come in here with your shit kickin boots on and try to be the man. [/quote]

thank you i am the man. i got personal cause u made a phone call wondering who i was. dont lie dood. you said in the post thats bolded you wana know. i got mad cause u did hense y i react. u insulted in the bolded post also. ask 90% of kids on here, not to brag but im the nicest dood ull meet. take a joke. i can take jokes allll day but not wen u come bak at me.

So that was just a coincidence i assume. I didnt put anything on you. I explained my reasoning for living at home after you said something along the lines of i dont have a real job and still live at home with my mother. Personally, i like the new challengers the best and dont like the 300’s. Im happy with my choice of vehicles and life as im sure you are as well. Done arguing over stupid shit.

Didnt make any phone call at all, and if you think i asked Jon what your car had in it, i did not. Lets both take some pamprin and call it a day shall we?

ahhh yes i did say that i musta blacked out while i was typing with anger hahahaaa sorry for the lowblow. na im not happy with my choices, satisfied yes, happy never

for the record death by r/t asked me also about ya richie . but i didnt call u up right away and start the drama , so whoever it was is feeding the fire . both of ya are good dudes "at least to me ya have been " so lets just stop all the shit deathby . it all started myers a while ago now ya gotta start with psi,s boyfriend . gays stick together i see lolol . richie let him be dude death is cool


Yeah, i asked camaro jon what you had not sbardy, he just said fbodies thats all.

i hate you!!!

Holy shit… lol

This is like watching Maury, Or Jerry Springer lmao… Tune in for the next episode!

My vagina really hurts after this one. I need a hug.

i just pm’d you but im done. not guna lie…that was kinda fun gettn fired up over the comp. reminds me on aol i.m. days hahahahah good luck with your build. ill let you be and we will meet in spring. and dont get your high horse up cause i wont have anything to race you!

i need u to give me a handie yo . my right arm is out of commision dude . my left arm cramps up so bad i cant finish , can ya help a brotha out

Coming from a hot head like I’ve been called on here numerous times, you guys are both mean… In all reality Richie is the nicest dude I know along with a few other guys… Nicks a good dude too… His
build changes more than I change my socks though… You went from a 9 second build to a mid to high 11 setup(don’t know what you plan running with that 6.1)??You guys would def get along well…

Not trying to be a dick Nick but what are your goals with that forged 6.1n/a versus your current set up… I’m not seeing too much of a difference going from the 5.7 to 6.1… Your not gonna be spraying the 6.1 at events… And if you run faster than 11.5 you need a cage anyways, I’m lost…

give me like…20mins

k man …