Go-Kart tracks

theres no fence there no signs theres absoultly nothing on there to say other wise if i had a track that most car people in the area know about that they hold events one twice a year and i didnt want people on it it would be posted all over so you couldnt miss it. so i have a sense of entitlement you dont even know who i am or anything about so whywould you even say anything? so like i said if they say who owns it i will go ask

yea i know ive already dealt with it before even though it has no effect on him in anyway he gets pissy

and jvg the airport had about 10 there and the house scross from it ppl eere oit in the yard theres no way they could have missed me. and theres alot if ppl that go up there all the time


Even if the track had colored curbing and was much wider I would ask permission first before I started to do a 3 hour photoshoot of a car on someone else’s property. Signs or not it’s still trespassing. There are no signs on houses that say “No Trespassing” or everyone’s lawn, you don’t use a guys lawn a mile down the road as a public park just because there are no signs.

Number 2; please don’t threaten other members with the “we should meet up” shit. This isn’t high school.

its not a threat he should meet me and he wouldnt think im a “scumbag”.

and theres no reason to think its a big deal to go on it but its really not worth fighting over as i said ill ask next time

Bottom line is - it’s someone elses property. He could be cool with letting you race around on it or he may have a good reason why he let’s no one on it.

When I was younger I used to be a pain in the ass and ride my dirt bike in fields around here, no signs? Fuck it. Needless to say the farmer wasn’t pleased.

common sense says someone owns it and any person with decency would seek permission. :skid

You’re boggling my mind right now.

  1. It’s not your property. Enough said.
  2. It’s not public property. It is privately owned.
  3. You are a liability to the owner if ANYTHING happened to you. If you tripped and fractured your skull, the owner could get sued.
  4. There shouldn’t need to be signs, IT’S NOT YOUR PROPERTY.

dude its not worth fighting over its in the middle of a field and you wouldnt think it was a big deal but like i said ill as next tme i go up but itll be with my truck so it will probeley be at a event anyway.

Sounds like you need a lawn job to realize the level of your ignorance. Wheres alpine when you need him…

Im pretty sure his screen name is now JP1986

I do? Always? Like what exactly? :dunno

Do you have a fence blocking people out of your(parents) house and signs that says private properety and/or to stay off it? No? Cool…it’s a-ok for everyone to drive all over the property right? Do you not understand how laws work?

No effect? I’ve already explained how it effects what we are trying to accomplish with this little track.

No, I would and it IS worth fighitng over because people like you cause people like myself(land owners) a shit ton of grief. Because it’s common sense, law abiding, and respectful not to step onto someones property without permission, let alone drive a damn vehicle on it. Doesn’t matter if it’s in someones back yard or in the middle of a damn desert.

no its not worth it i said id go ask next time thats it theres no convo what so ever so just drop it i didnt see it as a big deal.
tell me if you ride sleds on trails are you going to stop and ask every person to go on there property … no your not same thing as this if you see no signs fences or anything your going to ride trails and not give a fuck whos property your tearing across. and miah stop to my house park in my driveway well have a sandwich together lol

Just admit you’re wrong, and quit saying “it’s not a big deal”.

If you ever own your own property, I’ll be sure to have a Shift “Drive Across daknut’s lawn” event. It’s not a big deal though, there were no signs.

Um, sled trails are regulated and have been given granted pass by the LAND OWNERS. At any given time a land owner can deny the passing of the trail and it would have to be rerouted or closed. Simple fact buddy.

And no, I wouldn’t just go blasting across someones property with a sled that doesn’t have a posted trail or permission given. I would stop and ask PRIOR to going out on a ride. It’s the same damn principles that apply to hunting. You don’t just go out into any damn woods and start shooting w/o first asking the land owner.

Quit posting like an ignorant moron or I’m going to pull out of rank here and put you in timeout like the childish “kid” you seem to be. I fucking hate ignorance.

Who tells these people about our forum?

Shift518 stickers on car maybe :dunno :lol

i get that im.wrong thats why i said i would ask.next time. if i was being ignorant.i would say fuck you im doing it anyway. but im not.

and yes boxersix i know trails have garunteed access and can beclosed at anytime i just think if they teally dont want ppl on there they would block the trail leading to the track. atleast thats what i would do