God vs. No God


Should be an interesting topic…GO



This topic has been beaten to death on here. No sense arguing about it.

The website makes some VERY good points though

Cougarspeed, this sites becoming like 4chan…minus the cool pictures


I’m sure. There’s an atheist that makes really good points on all of his youtube videos as well. He’s actually fucking hilarious sometimes.

I’m not religious at all, I’m just sick of hearing retarded comments from people from both sides.

We know, for example, that the ancient Egyptians believed in their gods so fervently that they built massive structures like the Great Pyramid – still today one of the largest and most enduring human constructions ever created. Despite that fervor, however, we know with complete certainty today that the Egyptian gods were imaginary. We don’t build pyramids anymore and we do not mummify our leaders.

More recently we know that tens of millions of Romans worshiped Jupiter and his friends, and to them they built magnificent temples. The ruins of these temples are popular tourist attractions even today. Yet we know with complete certainty that these gods were imaginary because no one worships Zeus any more.

Much more recently, we know that the Aztec civilization believed in their gods so intensely that they constructed huge temples and pyramids. In addition, Aztecs were so zealous that they were sacrificing hundreds of human beings to their gods as recently as the 16th century. Despite the intensity, however, we know today that these gods were completely imaginary. The Aztecs were insane to be murdering people for their gods. Killing a person has no effect on rainfall or anything else. We all know that. If the Aztec gods were real, we would still be offering sacrifices to them.

Today’s “God” is just as imaginary as were these historical gods. The fact that millions of people worship a god is meaningless.



I wish I had 2 more hands so I could give this thread 4 thumbs down.

We all know where this is going to go. We’ve had religion threads in the past and all it does it stoke anger on both sides. Find something else to occupy your time.