Going 2 sizes smaller on the SRT, thoughts?

Gotta do money vs. weight. 15# wheels for ~ 500 bucks are hard to beat. Thats the only reason. I would love to go lighter, but its just at the limit where it starts to get $$$

$500 for shit that likes to shatter vs. $1500 for a good set of wheels that will last :dunno:

but seriously cutting off like 3lbs per wheel is not going to make that much of difference when you are rolling around full interior, rocking the a/c, go with what ever you can get the best tire selection for, and I know 17’s have a shit load better selection than 15’s

Its cutting 5+ lb per corner, and thats just wheel weight, then you have to look at tire weight. Full interior isn’t rotating mass either, and A/C is for fags.

Looking at another picture I found though, I may highly consider a set of 16 x 7’s. Here is another slipstream 15 x 7 with a 235/60/15 street slick on it. It looks really bad at stock height, not sure how much better it would look on my car…

I hope you start a trend, wheels should be just big enough to clear the brakes, anything more slows you down.



vs and aftermarket 17? Fuck that is less than 4lbs per whee compared to most 19x10’s compared to the 15" rota

and (talking about a potenza RE-01R) a 225/45/R17 is 26lbs, a 225/50/R16 is 27lbs per tire, just for compairason a 255/35/R18 is 27lbs per tire. less tire less sidewall less weight

EDIT: even adding 1" to the moment arm is not going to change much, get the wheels with the best tire selection

this gets better. lol

I <3 general user tech info

omg if its not lightweight for streetracing its gay :picard:

well that is the thread topic…

dont regular neons come with 15’s?

I dont see how it could look horrible considering

the red neon with 15s looks mean

mark you say you don’t care about looks, stop being a pussy and just get the 15’s!

on the other hand, whats the 15" tire weigh vs. the 16"? I have no idea but I would think that a 16, having less sidewall material, would weigh less.

15x8 slips with DRs. Fucking do it. Everyone who says not to is a fggtz.

Which is a 15 in this case, followed by a 16 with adequate tire selection.

no, 95 13 or 14, 96-99 14 newer generation some were 15 ACR r/t 16, srt 17

and cosmetically isnt the srt-4 a neon with a wing hoodscoop and different bumpers?

I dont see why it now needs 17’s…

front 15x8s with a QTP, no tube
rear 15x6 cheap tire

go 15x8, and I’ll punch you if you get them in black!

15s up front with big tires 16s in back with low pros

I’m looking for a shread of proof behind that. I’ve seen a hell of a lot of high power imports running Rota’s with no problems. Hell I saw a car go 10.4 with a 1.6 60’? On Rotas…

Go 15’s mark, it looks mean.

15x8 255’s all around.

I can show you as many photos of shattered BBS or Kinesis wheels as you can show me rotas.