Going after someone on EBAY

Anyone have any experience in going after someone legally, Suit, or locally. Guys in CA, ebay name 800watt, any experiences?

I rule ebay with an iron fist. Only accept PayPal. Can you not find the help page on ebay?

Dispute Console

Report an Item not Received


Report an Unpaid Item Dispute


    Transaction Problems and Protections


Good luck…bad feedback is about out without paypal

drive to his home hold shotgun in mouth is about it

Fuck that…report it to the FBI’s Internet Fraud center if you think you have a legitimate case.

I did this once when I bought a set of drag radials on Ebay and the guy never sent them. I went through all the normal channels first. The seller never returned my emails or phone calls, and it seemed my best resort through Ebay was bad feedback. A week after I filed the complaint, I received a letter from the FBI, CC’d to the seller, stating that they were investigating the case.

I received my drag radials three days later. :slight_smile:

I filed a dispute 3 weeks ago with ebay, so far nothing happened, so I filed a dispute with the ISCP or something, still nothing so I think its time for hte FBI, Claims he sent it Twice in a month, Sorry I have shiiping things all over the world never took a month!
Do you have a link for the FBI dispute?

Case I Paid send a check which I have Bank copy staing item number and his user name, and still have yet to recieve, chance or not?

get paypal!!!

paypal sucks balls too.

i thought i was getting burnt for 445.00 … so i file a dispute WITH PAYPAL and they tried to get my money… checked dudes account and he already transfered the money out… so paypal responded to me that they recovered $0.00 for me

how awesome huh?

so if you call and dispute they claim it takes 8+ weeks.

you should always pay witha CC, like capital one, because they return your money no questions asked and then fight the battle that takes months… paypal fucked me and i called capital one adn all they needed was the go ahead from me to get my money back and they would take care of it.

i waited a weekend and got my shit in the mail…

just my experience.

Paypal isn’t a guarantee but it helps. Give us some details and a link to the auction (unless it’s some sick fetish porn) so we can check it out. I ship thousands of things a month where I work (all around the world too) and there is no way it takes a month for anything to get from California to here even through USPS Parcel Post.

fortunately ive never had a problem with paypal or ebay, except the damn nigerian scammers hitting me up, but ebay refunded my selling fees and i never cashed the nigerian check so :gome: but good luck anyway.


20 bucks?

just be happy you didn’t get it for 2000 bucks.

Ya i know Its just moral, I guess, but still, it bothers the shit out of me that I have been dooped


for $135(after tax and ground shipping, standard 5 day) you could have the same exact thing and have a lifetime free replacement warranty on it.


See part #3

You may just have to chalk this up to learning a lesson.

I got hosed for over $900 by a bad seller and Paypal. He shipped me a crappy engine and since he could prove something was delivered Paypal wouldn’t do anything. Total value of what I got, $300 tops. fshowcars is right, use a credit card when paying through Paypal so you have a backup way to dispute the charge.

^ no doubt.

capital one has excellent online protection as long as you verify prior to making a purchase… they even cover paypal/ebay disputes directly.

Legally I can prove I paid, check, but how do I dispute that with a bank, Can’t I would think cause he could say " he just sent me money", but I have the item number on the check?

no gaurentee of delivery with payments made by check… even if you go e-check the reality is that you authorized the account withdrawl upon reciept of the check… so when dude signs it, he accepts the offer and the transaction is done without any stipulation of goods.

this is why i can’t just hand you my credit card to pay you $50.00

got ya, so I fucked ! non the less!

Is ebay really worth it?

At first it seems like it might have been a good thing.

Now it just seems like it is a bunch of rip off artists.

My brother in law bid on and won a pair of alpine star riding boots that were “in like new condition” and “on a scale of 1-10, an 8”. The boots were not even close to a 2 on the 10 scale. rips, a whole in the right boot from the kickstarter, dents in the heel plates. He could have bought 2 pairs of BRAND NEW alpine stars for what it ended up costing him.

He got pissed when he got the boots and gave the seller bad feedback. He filed a complaint with ebay and ebay said they couldn’t do anything. They told him his best bet was “square trade” or some such thing. he paid money for them to tell him there was nothing they could do.

For a few weeks, he would watch all the sellers items and make posts in the Ask seller a question section like “are these jeans really a 9 on the 10 scale?” My boots weren’t. stuff like that. He also would email anyone that bid on the stuff. The sellers had multiple email accounts they used to bid on their own stuff. He was actually emailing the seller when he thought we was emailing a bidder.

There used to be a brokerage that, for a fee, would receive your item from the seller and your payment TO the seller. After the item was received and inspected and the payment was recieved, the brokerage would send the payment and the item. I wonder if that place is still operating?

If you do decide to go to california, my brother in law would gladly ride out with you. Justice, vigilante style.