Going car shopping tomorrow. Give me tips.

You guys are all assholes. Seriously.

In my previous thread, before the car shopping began, a majority of you said a 2.5rs. And that’s what I’m probably getting. I haven’t made up my mind, but that’s what it looks like. It’s the only thing that I’ve looked at that makes sense and is what I’d like.

Almost every car that I’ve looked at at a dealership was not what was suggested. Every Jetta I looked at was a 2.0. There was a very nice Civic, it was automatic. I’ve looked at autotrader and cars.com and it’s hard to find something that I’d like to drive in my price range. Either too expensive, too cheap, or too many miles.

And I don’t totally get to make the final decision. If I wanted a $3500 Civic, I might think about it, but since my mother is willing to help me out, why wouldn’t I get something a little nicer and more expensive?

Hate to come off as spoiled or anything, but I don’t really have to worry about expenses/maintance when I’m going to college full time. I got that covered. And I don’t feel it’s necessary to explain the reason. So keep talking shit like you know what you’re talking about, and thanks for whatever help you guys gave me.

Now… if anyone’s interested in a moneypit '89 Audi 80Q, gimmie a holla.