Going car shopping tomorrow. Give me tips.

im not sure about around here. but i know when i was looking at used cars in LI, I found that most dealerships dont really have older used cars. From what I’ve seen, the only ones they really keep around are the ones that just came off leases.

If u go to a dealership that only deals in used cars u might have better luck. but those are the guys that are always out to fuck you.

dont be pressured by the salemen and there agressiveness. Thats one reason why my family deals with 1 salesmen and has been for the last 15 years. never once has he pushed anything on us and has always found us the best deal

i work just down the street at west herr nissan if you want a salesman that isnt going to jerk you around. go on westherr.com and look at the used inventory before you go. every car we have is on there. it’ll give you an idea of what to look for if nothing else.

I would definitly look at all the local dealerships online first…KBB them or Nada them and then once you found a few cars you may be interested in…show up at the dealership…then your head will be on straight

You ALWAYS leave. Don’t buy tomorrow. And if you don’t want repairs don’t buy German.

Get your own loan and negotiate price. Don’t negotiate payments.

never buy the same day. go and look, leave and think, then go back. think ahead of time about the questions you might have and write them down so you dont forget. never settle. know what you want and tell them. its their job to pressure you so you cant think straight. they want you to get excited about a car so that you make a decision on emotion, not logic. most of their high pressure tactics can be avoided by telling them you want to think it over and come back, that allows you to make a rational decision.

dawn, if you don’t buy tomorrow, i could go to a few places with you if you want later in the week.

Rule number 1: DON"T bring a woman with you.

Rule number 2: Don’t let them pressure you. ie. “This car might not be here tomarrow” or “This deal wont last long”

Rule number 3: Make sure you have a lot of time to deal with them. They will make you wait around. They do it to make you want to hurry through the negotiation and settle on a price, because you will want to get it over with.

First, read this entire article:

Second, do not buy the car walking into the dealership not knowing what car you want. If you do that you have no way of knowing what the car is really worth. Go look at cars, decide what one you want, get the dealers “best” price on it, and leave. Go home, look the car up on kbb.com, find cars like it in a 300 mile radius on autotrader.com, and go back to the dealer to get your “best” price.

You will find the “best” price he gave you on day 1 will probably come down considerably when you’re armed with the proper research on day 2.

X4368679675 “Frywisdom”

if you are trying to move out of your parents house and save money, don’t buy a 3 year old fullsize pickup that gets 12mpg

“I can get that payment down for you but, we’re going to need do it in a 72 month loan.”

We just leased a car, I cannot wait to be able to go buy my next car with no women with me. They take away all leverage because of their emotional impulses. Its like they see a car they like and they get diarrhea of the mouth.

this is from my experiences, Im not bashing all women.

As for the bringing someone that isn’t used to going to the dealership. They last thing you need is for them to fall for the salesman’s bait thinking it’s a great deal and then start pressuring you into it because they like it more than you do.

Best of luck on finding a car though. :tup:

I figured I’d get the pressure and shit. I KNOW I’m not buying tomorrow, just looking. I’m really good at being a bitch to people who want my money. And I’m good at talking. Going to look, get an idea, see what’s out there.

Dan Kraft, let’s be friends again and go car shopping. I’ll let you know my schedule tomorrow.

After you play all the games and go back a couple days later see if the dealership is willing to let you take it for a night. Drive it over to another dealership that sells the same make/model/etc and show them what your driving. Tell them how much you like it but insist that the other dealer is screwing you. If they want to steal the sale, they will not be able to play any games and you will most likely give you a better deal. Then consider that offer OR go back to dealer #1 and tell them what you found at dealer #2. They won’t want to lose their sale.

Take it as far as you want to. Sooner or later one of them will put their foot down and say take or leave it. But I think you get the point. It’s a lot of work, but it works. My father will attest to this.

do not buy a “warranty” until you post on here price, name of the company and insurance it is backed by.
trust me I have been in the business for long enough to see people get screwed by no name companys that go out of business or F&I people trying to hit a homerun on every deal.
Most dealers will give you at least 30 days to think about the “warranty” unless you are rolling it into your loan.

Basically roll up to ray lacks honda… And buy a S2K… Thats all you need :wink:

Ok, so you want AWD? Ugh… Time to whip out ‘Acura’

Or subbies are cool too…

has been said but I will rephrase. The salesman will talk to you in terms of “payments” and ask you how much you want your payment to be. Dont answer that question. Tell him how much you want to spend total on the car. Take how much you are willing to spend on the car and subtract $2000 and then tell that number to the salesman.

Its very easy to hide extra fees and bullshit inside payments. Always just talk about how much the car will cost as a whole.

Salesmen are dickheads and will show you no respect if you walk in there with your mom. Bring a guy with you… and not some 17yr old peeon either. It will make your life easier.

BTW you can get used car warantees online. You dont have to buy from a dealer for that reason.

just buy a big brand new truck so u can save money