Golfers - indoor ranges? v.we hate inclement weather

Other then Paddock Dome which is ~80 yds inside (iirc), any indoor ranges in the area?

Preferably something with ~150’ of distance (ball flight matters),

Gotta groove my new iron set.

I’m not sure about yardage, but did you try the wherle golf dome? I used to go there when i didn’t feel like driving all the way out to fox valley. There is also the airport driving range, it isn’t indoors, but they have a covered part that will keep you dry in the rain. If you don’t mind me asking what kind of irons did you get? im looking for a set to replace my callaway x-20’s

80yds > 150’

Ill check out airport, thanks.

TM Burner 2.0 knock offs (5-PW) from Gigagolf (highly recommend them for quality clones made in the US). They’re more known for their GI & SGI clubs, but after ordering one and trying it a while I’m comfortable working it pretty well too.
I had about 2.5 hours of trial time on Ping G15s, Burner 2.0s, and an Adams set before settling in on the 2.0s, I gave the knock off club a shot and noticed no detriment and actually seems like toe hits are a little more forgiving. I will warn you though, the 2.0s/TRX’s are delofted and therefore about one club longer then you’d expect. I’m going to have to get more comfortable with my 52 & 60 wedges. :confused:

As far as the knock off debate - I picked up a Ping knock off 3 wood from Gigagolf after hitting a friends @ Grover, it has performed flawlessly (when I swing it well - which is bout 80% of the time, lol) this year.
My playing partners had convinced me to get fitted, after reading up online and then talking to a couple fitters / pros I ended up ‘needing’ an extra 0.5 inch & +2* lie, so I had Gigagolf build be an iron set to those specs for ~$22/iron - R flex premium mid kick shaft and upgraded grip (though their stock one isn’t bad, just too rubbery for me). I need to invest some range time though, larger grip, upright lie, and extra shaft… its like I’m starting my swing from scratch almost.

For what it’s worth I’m down to a 24 hdcp averaging 2.6 putts/hole this year. Hoping a better fitted club can get me cleanly to 18 next year (i know, i really need to get the putting down to get near scratch).
