
Don’t think this is the case. I talked to DMV and said you can’t register a car w/ a lein. Who knows though, the girls that work at DMV don’t know their head from their ass.

Also, if any of you know a NYS certified mechanic, ask them about a mechanic’s lein. It’s a pain in the ass process as well as time consuming, but could release the lein on the car. A couple things that are needed are an ad in the paper that has to run so long announcing an auction. Then there has to be a sealed bid auction. Then the mechanic has to get a sign off from the bank and the owner on the title. This isn’t the exact process but it’s a fairly accurate description. It is a pain in the ass and I did do it when I bought my last Mustang. I’m sure the bank would sign off on this if only $1300 is owed. Is this process worth the time and money for this car? Probably not, but if you have a hard on for Hondas, ask somebody you know if they have ever done this. More info can be found on the DMV website.