get it runnin , trade it in on a new yami 450 and have funnnnnn
Check battery connections and grounds. Get a trickle charger on the battery to avoid jump starting it.
ground somewhere.
What kind of atv is it? Doesn’t start…I’m immediately thinking cdi box.
EDIT: just noticed it said you were eating through cdi boxes. check your relays and grounds.
i checked all of those when i had it . im thinkin he is spikin votage when he jumps it and it takes out the box . although it is a e-bay special box lol .
What kind of atv it is?
I owe too much to trade it and it really is/was a good quad. I never had an issue with it until this summer after not riding it since spring. Before that it always ran fine.
'07 Polaris Outlaw 500
Ive got a trickle charger and battery maintainer. The old battery had a dead cell so neither of them made it work. Now its got a brand new battery.
It is an ebay cdi box because the factory one went bad and a new factory one is $270+ and I figured theres no sense in spending that much if its gonna be junk too like the original one was.
Take the cdi box off and touch all the terminals to one another with a flathead screwdriver to discharge the capacitors. Then plug the cdi box back in. If it will start, then it’s the cdi box and you need a new one. This will only tell you if the cdi box is bad, it will not fit the peoblem if there is one. I would try this on both the boxes you have.
Hope that helps
Thanks. I cant do anything until I get it back tomorrow though.
I just dropped it off at Ronnie’s and I should know whats wrong with it in a few days.
pull out your wallet…
at this point Ive gotta do what it takes to get it running. Im sick of missing out on riding it.
Fixed. Apparently the throttle cable was adjusted wrong and was making it like the kill switch was on when I tried starting it.
they are supposed to be adjusted just enough so it pulls up the carb slide a little for the right air/fuel mixture when starting. If its too loose and the slide is all the way down, it wont breath.
not all quads are this way but most are.
I never fucked with it so its kinda strange thats what it was but atleast its fixed now.
someone had to lolol , i never adj it
should let me and mx-7 take a look at it where good with that shit.
in all honesty, that would have been the last thing I would ever think of checking too. Its always the really dumb, simple shit.
Chaz was at Hank’s when I brought it there
Yeah, luckily it was something cheap and easy. Just a half hour labor charge.
I still wonder how that got messed up though.
Hopefully Ill get it back this weekend. They sent it to Bennington, VT and it was supposed to be back today but they didnt call me.