Good Audi Dealer

Similar story. My sister took her a4 in when three of the door locks in the car didn’t work. They fixed one out of three and then called to say the car was ready… Morons.


Similar story. My sister took her a4 in when three of the door locks in the car didn’t work. They fixed one out of three and then called to say the car was ready… Morons.


Even when i typed this a year after it occured, it was making me upset:rant::rant::rant:

get one from schmitts … and i dont mean buy

i know how to get in / out of there, and what keys are where … lets get 60 friends and clear out their audi / vw stock

who’s got dibs on any A8L’s and S series that are in the storage barn ?

Edit: 3yr old picture warning

^ Nice call Kip. Let me go get my tool.