Good date places?

Got a date next weekend, yes with a girl. Not sure where to take her.

The last date i was on, was very lowkey, just a movie, and dinner at Milestones. And before that i was in long term relationships which means any hole in the wall eatery with great Hakka chinese, and her place for dessert.

But with this chick, i need a few fresh ideas.
Was thinking of a winter thing, maybe skate at City Hall, walk the trail at High Park. But need more stuff.

Suggestions for restauarants?

Nothing says love like a Big Mac…

Ehh… It may sound nerdy, but you could always take her to the Science Centre, or the ROM or something like that. You get to look all smart and fancy pants, plus there’s dark little corners for… well… you know :smiley:
That and unless she’s a total airhead, she won’t be bored, there’s a lot of very cool stuff to see at both.

Third year architecture student at Rye.

Doubt she wants to be in anymore museums. And i get bored easily at the ROM. Unless its a special gallery showing.

Third year arch eh? Some nice girls in that program :wink: I pretended to be in arch during my frosh week 2 years ago, just so I could tag along with the sweet selection of azn babes instead of participate in the sausage fest that is RyEng.

Yeah, well i hope to meet her friends too.

Filipina/Jamaican mix. :yumyum:

skating downtown, awsome romantic, but you will get wet. it’s like under an inch of water.

My girl and I like to go out on adentures to farmers markets and stuff like that. rural type dealies. But it’s not the season for that.

something cute but goofy, is the teddy bear factory at Sq1, might be costly tho.

I suck at being romantic, and I wonder why she’s stuck with me for these past 8.5 years.

Just do things that gets both of you talking and active together, movies suck because there’s not a whole lot of personal interaction.

I don’t really go out much, and when we go to clubs, I have to be on the defensive to keep the pervs off her, I suppose it’s the price you pay for dating the daughter of a german underwear model. :slight_smile: :D/

I wouldnt go into high park at night and expect not to be ass raped by a man. that place is crazy.

Thats for sharing your experience with us Ty, but i was talking about a daytime walk during the park. Maybe even skate on the pond there, but it might be all water now.

Thats for sharing your experience with us Ty, but i was talking about a daytime walk during the park. Maybe even skate on the pond there, but it might be all water now.[/quote]
hahahah you havent heard that?

dude its too cold out for that anyway, take her to vaughan mills to walk around. buy her come ice cream, that type of shite.

Being the first date, dont take her anywhere nice or spend to much…first find out if she wants to shagg…if she does, then next time take her nice places…but for now, keep it fun and simple and find out her intentions…e.g. go for dinner to " spring rolls" on yonge street. Then maybe down to a bar or strip club if she likes for some drinks…

do the half baked seven dollar date, pimp it like chapelle.

i concur with Varun. There are a couple nice pubs in that area to go for drinks and to talk. The old spagetti Factory is also a good choice.

Vaughn Mills and Ice cream?

Maybe if i’m lucky i’ll get to stick my tongue in her mouth too. Get that high school shit outta here!

I like to make a good impression on a first date. Was thinking Panorama Restaurant downtown, and then maybe drinks at Indian Motorcycle. Not sure.

I’ll look into Old Spaghetti Factory.

I pretty sure she wants to shag, because no other reason to go out with me. I ain’t good looking and im not rich, but i’m hung like a infant.

6lbs 7 oz.

Without sounding or looking cheesy…

Minature golf.

But try and get some practice if you can so you can stand behind her and
show her how it’s done. :boink: :naughty:

Just take her back to your place and put it in her ass. Bitches like that kinda shit…joking.

but seriously, do it.

Orrrr…take her to korean barbeque (only if you’ve been before). you’ll definately get some laughs and what not as she tries to figure everything out.

Or she could laugh at me when i try to figure shit out. I havent been to a Korean BBQ before. Dunno if i can handle Korean food.

I should invite her to a LAN party, and bring her a 2l bottle of the red Mountain Dew, or Taro Taro Bubble Pee.

Then afterwards maybe, we can kick back and play a relxing game of euchre.

put a sled in the back of your car and if things go well earlier on be spontainious and just be like “hey, lets go sledding” hit a hill with no one else on it and push her down in the snow/ throw snowballs ect. until you are both rolling around naked :lol:

mmm… korean bbq is just lots of meat (beef, pork, baby cow bone (rib? iuno what it is in english), lamb, shrimp, squid, salmon, some white fish, ox tongue, liver…) and some side dishes, rice, etc. you just cook all the food on the grill that sits in the middle of the table. fun stuff, good food. and i don’t believe its even remotely korean… except for maybe the kimchi side dish. either way, it’s run by chinese people :P. oh, and it only costs about 15 bucks per person, all you can eat. i wouldnt bother with any of the other items on the menu, just get the all you can eat.

connect this with the “have you had sex in your 240” thread and just take her somewhere romantic, like watching airplanes land or something. chicks love it… then u get teh sex