Yes, but you’re also violating TNC forum rules
No Bashing of any member will be tolerated! This includes bashing the member, their car, their dog, their goldfish, etc. This is Toronto Nissans main rule because we want every member to feel comfortable in our laid-back environment. See derogatory insults for more details
Threats, Racism, or Sexism Threads and posts promoting or expressing intolerant views towards minorities (race, religion, sexual preference, etc.) will not be tolerated.Posts making threats of physical violence, stalking, or anything similar will not be tolerated. Offending threads will be copied to a safe location and your IP address will be recorded.
Insults are strictly against the rules. If you disagree with another member’s point of view, do so in a mature and civil manner. If someone posts to discuss their personal problems or seek help from other forum members, please do not respond unless you have something positive or helpful to add. If you find yourself being flamed or insulted by another member, please do not dignify that person with a response. Notify a moderator and let us handle it.
And a few others in the mix. This thread is means for immediate dismissal.
Trust me, you’re stepping into another territory with this. I know all that’s going on for you right now and how tough it is, but this is not how you approach things