Good Insurance Companies?

Looking for insurance on my new to me 91 cbr600f2. Anyone have any suggestions for some decent insurance companies? thanks!

I use progressive for bikes…cheapest i’ve found. my 500 was like 119 just for liability and my 750 is ~220 i think

I use progressive as well.

Liability is about $200 a year for the SV.

Progressive, under $200 for everything I need

I am with progressive also. If you need/want some track coverage you can do Foremost, but prepare to pay thousands a year…:rofl

P.S. Have fun with the bike man and wear gear.


that is a great starter bike!

Welcome to riding, read the stickies on top of the section.

Feel free to ask any questions you’ve got.

I am picking up my first bike as well next week. A 93 cbr600 f2. sounds like progressive is the way to go.

Hey congrats man!! Ride well and wear gear :thumbup

Is this thread serious? I work for an insurance company (reinsurance as well) so I am familiar. They are ALL scumbags. Period.

Find one that gives you the lowest rate. Period.

Progressive + 95’ CBR600F3= $114 a year for me


Mad CBR F’series love going on in here :lol

Seems like progressive is the cheapest for most of us. Didn’t see that coming.

BTW, insurance companies are weird.

My insurance went down $400 a year after I moved less than 2 miles in Westchester.

It also went up .10 per year (Yes, a fucking dime) after I sold my $10K Suzuki SUV for a $30k+ BMW. Very odd.

You should know how complicated that damn formula is to figure out the rate.

What seems like a major change to us in the real world could play a tiny role in the formula and vice versa.

I should. I designed it.

Yea, it’s very complicated. We don’t do car insurance but there’s A LOT of data. TBs of data that is used by analysts to determine risk.